Glossary of Terms

Electronic surveys 

Surveys conducted on the strategic planning website. Each theme will have specific survey questions that allow anyone to provide their input and ideas into the process.

Executive Committee 

The Executive Committee is an existing committee of the University. It is chaired by the president and consists of the deans of the schools, each vice president, and the University counsel. The Strategic Planning Committee co-chairs are charged with routine and open communication with the Executive Committee to ensure an iterative process.


What we want to achieve in each theme.

Interactive feedback sessions 

Formal, scheduled sessions during the planning process where the Strategic Planning Committee will share its work in detail with interested parties to receive feedback on the work to date, as well as the ideas created. This will help to ensure that we have an inclusive process along the way.


Objective measures we will use to assess our collective progress and to hold ourselves accountable.


Our intention for the planning process and our commitment to create a plan that makes us greater than the sum of our parts.

Strategic Planning Committee 

A committee of faculty, staff, students, and others who are leading the planning process. Learn more about these individuals.


The actions we will take as a University to achieve our goals.


These are high-level, broadly encompassing areas of focus. They will be refined as we progress through the planning process.

Town halls 

Open forums where ideas and concepts will be discussed by the Strategic Planning Committee with interested parties. These are two-way communication venues focused on a particular theme or themes of the strategic plan.


The long-term view of our desired future state.

Work group 

There is a work group, consisting of faculty, staff, students, and others, for each theme. These work groups are charged with creating the goals, tactics, and metrics of the plan and doing the work of creating and recommending the work of the plan for review. The work groups are charged with engaging experts and internal and external parties to educate themselves as they proceed through this process.