Temporary Projects

Request a temporary project to manage your award expenses from Day 1.

Approval for a temporary project chartstring may be requested before receipt of an award when there is a very high likelihood that the award will be made. Temporary projects are recommended so that payroll and other expenses for project investigators and staff will be charged to the correct project, reducing the need for payroll and other cost transfers in the future.


Temporary Project Request Form

Instructions for Completing the Request for Temporary Project

The proposed project must be routed in Kuali Research before a temporary project can be set up. The request for temporary project may be uploaded to the proposal as an internal attachment. Proposal documents should be attached in the Kuali Research record as usual, such as the scope of work and proposed agreement.

Proposal/Grant Information:

  • New: The anticipated award is for a new project that has not been previously funded.
  • Continuation: The anticipated award is a competing or noncompeting continuation of an existing award and a new project is needed. Provide the prior project ID.
  • Extension of Project: The anticipated award is a noncompeting continuation or no-cost extension of an existing award that does not require a new project. Provide the current project ID to be extended.
  • Cost Share Companion Chartstring: Check if needed; prior approval required. If cost share was not approved during the Kuali Research approval routing, complete and submit the approved Cost Sharing Commitment Form
  • Over the Salary Cap Companion Chartstring: Check if needed. Salary cap information

Project Information: Please complete all of the required information.

Intent to Fund Information: Please complete all of the required information.

PI Signature: The principal investigator must sign and date this form for the request to be processed.

IPA with VA: Signature of the dean or designee is required.

Guarantee: You must complete this entire section. If not completed, your temporary project will not be set up. The department chair signature and date are required.

Follow up with the sponsor if the award document is not received when expected.

After the award is received, the same project is updated with award information.