Sponsored Programs Administration

Throughout the life of your proposal and award, Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) provides oversight and administrative support to investigators and departmental administrators.

UMB investigators were awarded $663 million in research, service, and training awards in Fiscal Year 2023. SPA works with you to submit competitive proposals, negotiate agreements, and navigate the world of sponsored programs administration.

Contact us

Notices, Updates, and Reminders

All Kuali Research Proposals (8/21/2024):  In the Attachments section, Internal Attachments, add three placeholder documents. These placeholders allow SPA - or you - to upload internal documents without having to go through the recall/bypass process. Save a blank or placeholder document to PDF, upload, and mark as FINAL.

New fields in the Subaward Request (8/21/2024): New fields were added for compliance with federal contract requirements. The first is a yes/no question -- is the award or prime award a federal contract? Contracts are identified as such on the Description column of the Award search results in KR. Second, approval to issue the subaward is required, even if the subaward was included in the funded contract. Attach the approval. Third, we must document the sole source justification for the subrecipient. Fields are provided in the Questions section to enter a brief paragraph or upload the justification.

New fields in Kuali Build forms (8/20/2024): We've added an optional field to enter your department's Distribution List (DL) email address or shared email address. We've added new required fields for the Sponsor Contact Name and Email.

Please click "Update Now" on the notice that pops up on your draft Kuali Build forms. Changes will not affect forms already submitted into workflow.

NEW AS OF AUGUST 1:  Submit no-cost extension requests using the UMB NCE Request in Kuali Build. Link to the RAC message sent 7/31/2024

Modifications and other documents that don’t require routing in KR are submitted to SPA via Kuali Build. Link to the RAC message sent 6/27/2024

Non-competing continuations, modifications, and other documents that don’t require KR routing should be submitted to SPA via the new Kuali Build Award Modification Request
KB Award Modification Instructions

All UMB employees already have access to Kuali Build and these forms. Log in with your UMB credentials. 

SPA Book Club. Join us to discuss Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise by Kelvin K. Droegemeier. More information is found in the notification email dated May 21, 2024

SPA Notices Archive:  Reminders, updates, and announcements from past months

SPA Office Hours:

Mondays ** 10:00-11:30 am 

Wednesdays 2:00-3:30 pm

**First and last Monday - SPA Contracts Team is available in office hours 

Kuali Research Proposal Training 

SPA-SPAC Update meetings scheduled!  Mark your calendars and watch the RAC emails for the agenda and link closer to the meeting date:

December 4, 2024 – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm VIRTUAL