Sponsored Projects Procedures

Subaward Closeout

Research, Sponsored Projects   |   Approved October 9, 2015


Close out a subaward on a sponsored program.


Principal Investigators (PIs) involved in sponsored research with subrecipients on a grant or contract with the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). 

Subawards are awards made by a grantee for the performance of a portion of the work of a sponsored project. Close out a subaward when the subrecipient’s work is complete.

More information is available on the Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) Collaborations and Subrecipients webpage.


  1. Verify technical reports and/or deliverables have been received from subrecipient.
  2. Verify final invoice has been received from subrecipient and has been paid by Accounts Payable.
  3. If there is a need to disencumber an unexpended balance to close the Purchase Order, email PO_Close@umaryland.edu and include the PO number(s) and the Supplier Name(s) for the POs to be closed (cc SPA Team on this email).
  4. Complete & submit signed PI Subaward Closeout Authorization form to the SPA Team.
  5. If ending subaward earlier than end date in the signed agreement, submit Subaward Request for “early termination” subaward modification. 
  6. Retain financial and technical records pertaining to this subaward for 3 years or the number of years required by the sponsor, whichever is longer.
  7. SPA Team will obtain the Final Invention Report, and any other final documents as required from subrecipient.
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