School of Social Work

Primary Senator

Maura Hogan
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Maura Hogan is an advanced-year MSW student at the School of Social Work. She earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park. She serves as the President of the university-wide, student organization ECO - Environmental Justice in Action. Additionally, Maura also works as a mental health clinician at HoneyB Wellness, a counseling practice in Federal Hill. As Primary Senator for the School of Social Work, she hopes to create more interdisciplinary opportunities for engagement and connection among the seven schools. When Maura is not busy studying, she enjoys spending time with friends and taking long strolls around the city parks with her dog, Bear, a Chow-Shepard mix. Bear self-identifies as a stubborn boy, enemy of thunderstorms, and lover of naps, walks, and cheese!

General Senators

Erin Walton
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
PhD Program in Social Work
School of Social Work