Financial Affairs Policies


UMB Code of Ethics and Conduct

Financial Affairs   |   Approved October 26, 2010

Responsible VP/AVP

Dawn M. Rhodes, DBA, MBA

Applies to Faculty, Staff, Students

Revision History

Approved by Acting President 5/5/2010; Approved by President 10/26/2010

Policy Statement

This Code is intended to meet the requirement of FAR 52.203-13 that UMB, as a federal contractor, have a code of business ethics and conduct.

UMB Personnel subject to this Code include UMB administrative and academic officers, faculty, employees, fellows, students (including student employees), and volunteers. In fulfilling the responsibilities of their positions at UMB, UMB Personnel are expected to adhere to and act in accordance with this Code and all laws, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures applicable to their UMB activities. 

This Code reflects the requirements of laws and policies that relate to ethical conduct, including: the Maryland Public Ethics Law, the Maryland Whistleblower Law, and policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Maryland (USM) and UMB that relate to reporting known or reasonably suspected wrongdoing.

UMB Code Of Ethics And Conduct

  1. UMB expects and requires all UMB Personnel to: 
      1. Uphold the highest standards of intellectual honesty and integrity in teaching, research, service, and administrative activity, and seek guidance, as needed, concerning the application of ethical standards to their UMB activities.
      2. Act as good stewards of the resources entrusted to UMB’s care, and comply with financial requirements and internal controls applicable to funds and property managed by them and under their oversight.
      3. Comply with all laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and professional standards, including the Maryland Public Ethics Law, applicable to their employment and their UMB responsibilities, and cooperate with training and continuing education initiatives of UMB to make them aware of their responsibilities.
      4. Comply with their assigned or assumed responsibilities to fulfill UMB’s obligations under contracts, grants, and other legal agreements.
      5. Disclose and avoid improper or unlawful conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment.
      6. Report known or reasonably suspected wrongdoing; refrain from retaliating against those who report known or reasonably suspected wrongdoing; and cooperate fully with authorized investigations of reports of wrongdoing.
  2. This Code does not address every situation or ethical dilemma that may be faced by UMB Personnel in the course of their employment or other UMB role. Each person is expected to exercise good judgment absent specific guidance from this Code or other policies and procedures. Each person is expected to consult an appropriate supervisor, faculty advisor, UMB administrator, or other resource if the appropriate course of action is not clear.
  3. Violations of this Code may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or periodic dismissal from academic programs. Violations that are criminal offenses will be referred for prosecution.
  4. It is UMB’s responsibility to educate UMB Personnel concerning this Code and related policies and laws. UMB Personnel will be required to participate in periodic training concerning this Code and related policies and laws. Evaluations of UMB Personnel’s understanding of this Code and related policies and laws may be part of the training program.
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