The Office of Institutional Policy Management is located within the Office of the Provost. This office provides a centralized hub for efficient management of University policies and procedures on campus.

UMB Office of University Policy and Procedures

What is the difference between a policy and a procedure? 

View the filterable, sortable Policies and Procedures Index.

Browse the Policies and Procedures Library

Building blocks being stacked


View the steps involved in developing or revising a policy, from the initial proposal to the final rollout. 

All policy and procedure proposals must be submitted through the UMB Policy Administration System for review and processing by the UMB Office of Institutional Policy Management.

Please use the Policy App link to submit all proposals or revisions.

A lightbulb superimposed over hands typing


The Policy Administration System (Policy App), is the online platform utilized for processing University policy creation and revision requests propose a new policy or a revision of a current policy. To access the system to submit a policy request or review your dashboard,  please click here to access The Policy App 

News and Noteworthy

Policy and Procedure Updates

March 2025

New Procedure: Employment Outside the United States

The purpose of this procedure is to guide UMB Schools and Administrative Units seeking to hire employees to live and work for UMB outside the United States. This Procedure summarizes UMB’s institutional position on the hiring of personnel outside the U.S., describes the options available to manage legal and compliance risks, and presents the steps and documentation required to employ personnel through UMB’s business affiliate, the Maryland Global Initiatives Corporation (MGIC).