Navigating Federal Orders and Guidance
In response to the many rapid changes happening at the federal government level, UMB’s Issues Management Advisory Group has created a website to help assess how the federal policies of the new presidential administration might impact the University.

Imagine What We Will Change Together.

UMB is a catalyst, promoting justice, improving health, and serving the public good of Maryland and the region. Now, more than ever, we seek your support to continue this legacy. Discover Where to Give, Ways to Give, and check out our online giving page.

Strategic Plan 2022-2026 2025 Middle States Self Study


Founders Week Award Winners

New on the Elm

The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) celebrated its 2024 Founders Week award winners during the Awards Recognition and Reception event Oct. 17 at M&T Bank Exchange. The awardees took their turns in the spotlight on stage with UMB President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, but first a video about each honoree was shown to the crowd.

“I was able to learn that helping people can come in a lot of different forms. ... UMB has more than equipped me to be grateful for my everyday work and to be prepared.”

The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is Maryland's public health, law, and human services university. Six professional schools and the interdisciplinary Graduate School confer the majority of health care, human services, and law professional degrees in Maryland each year.

UMB: Creating Leaders Who Make a Difference

Learn more about UMB and explore our programs.