Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, MA, MDE, BCPS, CPE
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Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, MA, MDE, BCPS, CPE
Professor and Executive Director, Advanced Post-Graduate Education in Palliative Care
Research interests
Pain management, palliative care, education in pain and palliative care, and the appropriate use of medications in pain and palliative care
Research approaches
educational and clinical research
Lab or individual page:
Tjia J, Kutner JS, Ritchie CS, Blatchford PJ, Kendrick RB, Prince-Paul M, McPherson ML, Sloan JA, Somers TJ, Abernethy AP, Furuno JP. Perceptions of Statin Discontinuation among Patients with Life-limiting Illness. J Palliat Med. In press.
McPherson ML. Methadone safety guidelines for hospice and palliative care. AAHPM Quarterly, 2016, 17(2):8-9.
McPherson ML. Pharmacist-driven, patient-centered interventions in pain management. Pharmacy Today, September 2016, 43.
Stewart D, McPherson ML. Take each pill with a grain of salt: A review of abuse-deterrent opioid formulations and place in therapy. Maryland Pharmacist, Spring 2016, 19-24.
Rennick A, Atkinson T, Cimino N, Strassels SA, McPherson ML, Fudin J. Variability in opioid equivalence calculations. Pain Medicine 2016;17:892-898.
Herndon C, Wahler R, McPherson ML. Beers criteria, the minimum data set, and hospice. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016;64(7):1519-1520.
Malotte KL, McPherson ML. Identification, assessment, and management of pain in patients with advanced dementia. Mental Health Clinician 2016;6(2):XXX. DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2016.03.XXX.
Afrane M, Holmes H, McPherson ML. Commonly prescribed medications among patients in hospice care for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care 2015 Aug 9, pii: 1049909115598928. [Epub ahead of print]