UMB Guidelines for Breastfeeding Individuals

Getting Started

  1. Request access: Schedule an appointment to meet with Lactation Liaison/Administrative Liaison to request access to the lactation room. Lactation room use is on a first-come, first-served basis; however, if you find that you have conflicts with rooms being occupied when you need to use them, please contact the Lactation Liaison.
  2. Obtain chest pump attachments: If the lactation room is equipped with a chest/breastfeeding pump, you will need to bring your own kit. Personal use kits that are compatible with a multiple-user double chest/breast pump will need to be provided by the user. Do not leave your personal pump in the rooms. We are not responsible for securing personal items left in the rooms against theft or use by others.
  3. Plan for storage/cooling: If the room is equipped with a refrigerator, you are able store your milk, if necessary. You must label and date the milk. The UMB is not responsible for the security or integrity of milk stored in or outside of the lactation room refrigerator. **Please Note: Milk will be thrown out after one week.
  4. Usage: Please sign in and out each time you use a lactation room and turn off lights upon exiting.

Cleaning and Sanitization

All lactation room users are expected to clean up after each use of a room, especially when using the on-site chest/breast pump. This is not only out of respect for the next user, but also to prevent contamination and illness transmission. Each user should allow enough time within a visit to clean the pump equipment of breast milk spills and dispose of trash properly. Antibacterial sprays/wipes and paper towels are provided for cleaning.
