Clinical Trials and Corporate Contracts

The Center for Clinical Trials and Corporate Contracts (CCT) assists faculty investigators with material transfer agreements, clinical study budgets, and agreements between UMB and the for-profit sector.

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Clinical Research Contracts

Negotiates corporate-sponsored clinical trial agreements and study-related confidential disclosure agreements

Clinical Billing Analysis

Reviews cost estimates to ensure that clinical study budgets include sufficient funds to cover the cost of non-billable clinical care

Corporate Contracts

Negotiates corporate-sponsored research agreements and related confidential disclosure agreements, and also negotiates all material transfer agreements

Attention all Research Investigators, Coordinators, and Staff:

All patients enrolled in human research must be registered with UMMC and UPI on the same day the patient is enrolled in the study. Patient registration is done through participant association to the study’s Epic research (RSH) record. Please contact UMMS ( for training, access, or troubleshooting.