Sensitive Information Pop-Up

In order to ensure the protection of sensitive information, certain actions will cause a Data Loss Prevention pop-up window to appear:

This is a valid pop-up supported by UMB IT Security and Compliance.

What prompts this pop-up?

There are two triggers that lead to this pop-up appearing.

Trigger 1 – A sensitive data type has been flagged in the email.  This includes:

  • EU Social Security Number
  • US Social Security Number
  • EU Passport Number
  • US/UK Passport Number
  • EU Driver’s License Number
  • US Driver’s License Number
  • Credit Card Number
  • US Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
  • EU Debit Card Number

(Additional sensitive data types may be added in the future in response to specific polices and laws.)

Trigger 2 – Either of the following actions are implemented:

  • Print
  • Copy or move using RDP (Remote Desk Protocol) – detects when a user attempts to copy/move protected files from a Windows device to another location through a remote desktop session.

What do I need to do?

In the pop-up window, you need to provide a business justification to allow the identified action to occur.  You will then be able to redo the action that caused the alert.  If you attempt to copy a file that contains a sensitive data to a USB drive, it will be blocked and there is no business justification override option available.