Installing an Application via Software Center

  1. Open Software Center by going to the Start button and finding the “Microsoft Endpoint Manager” folder and clicking on Software Center.install image
  2. Once there, click on “Applications” on the left, and then on the right, look for the name of the application you are looking to install and click on it. NOTE: If you do not see it in “Applications”, click on “Installation status” on the left, and look for it there. If you see it there and the status column says “Installed”, then you already have this application installed.install image
  3. On this next screen, using the “Notepad++ (64-bit)” application as an example, click on the “Install” button and wait a few minutes for it to completely install.install image
  4. Once it’s been installed, you should see the red or grey “Uninstall” button, and the status will be marked as “Installed”.install image
  5. Minimize or close Software Center and then make sure you can open the desired application.