Costs Associated with SRE

The university is committed to providing its researchers with a secure and powerful environment to conduct research. To show our commitment, UMB will be offering the use of the Standard SRE to you free of charge. Researchers can leverage the power and flexibility of the cloud, while maintaining data compliance, completely free. Whether used daily, weekly or monthly, the price will be ZERO.

Should your research project not fit the Standard SRE, a custom research environment can be crafted to fit your needs. Due to the nature of the cloud, any custom-compute scenario will utilize a consumption based, or pay-as-you-go, pr icing model.

The following are example custom-compute scenarios and their associated compute costs. These estimates do not include storage. 

Classification Example Use-case Size Details Cost /hour
Standard Workstation Desktop replacement D4s_v5 vCPU: 4
GPU Accelerated Workstation AI training NC6 vCPU: 6
Processor: Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 (Haswell)
Temp Storage: 340GB
GPU: Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU (24GB)
High Performance Compute Workstation Genomic analysis HBv4 Cores: 176
Processor: AMD EPYC 9V33X (Genoa-X)
RAM: 768GB
Temp Storage: 3600GB

Please note, software is NOT included in the pricing.  The university is covering the cost of compute. The faculty researcher and/or the research sponsor would need to acquire software licenses needed for the project.