
To view our services by category, click on the appropriate category tag. Additionally, a full list of our services appears below in alphabetical order. To view a list of all systems that utilize the UMID, visit the UMB Application Inventory.

All Accounts and Authentication Campus Communication Central Administration Educational Technology Email, Collaboration, and Productivity Human Resources, Payroll, and Finance IT Security IT Support and Training Research and Reporting Student Data and Academic Records Telephone and Network Tele-work / Tele-learn Tools

Service Description Category/Categories
Community System Add non-UMB persons to the campuswide directory Accounts and Authentication
Duo Multi-Factor Authentication solution Accounts and Authentication, IT Security
MFA Multi-Factor Authentication; dual-credential sign-in with UMID Accounts and Authentication, IT Security
UMID Account Management Shibboleth, single sign-on logic Accounts and Authentication, IT Security
Appspace Digital signage equipment Campus Communication
Campuswide Directory Faculty, staff, and student contact information Campus Communication, Email, Collaboration, and Productivity
Teams Chat-based workspace Campus Communication, Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, Tele-work/ Tele-learn Tools
UMB Alerts Emergency text, phone, and email alerts for UMB community Campus Communication
Webex Cloud-based collaboration tool that allows you to learn, meet, message, and share files anywhere from any device Campus Communication, Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, Tele-work/ Tele-learn Tools
Blackboard Student courses Educational Technology
MediaSite Lecture video recording and viewing Educational Technology
AWS General Info Amazon Web Services Email, Collaboration, and Productivity
Exchange Online Email delivery, anti-virus/anti-spam filter Email, Collaboration, and Productivity
GoogleApps@Umaryland Student email and productivity Email, Collaboration, and Productivity
Microsoft 365 Cloud-based office tools Email, Collaboration, and Productivity
Qualtrics Online survey software Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, Research and Reporting
SharePoint Sharing and collaboration tool Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, Research and Reporting
Sympa List server, group emailing Email, Collaboration, and Productivity
Quantum Financials Financial transactions and reporting system Human Resources, Payroll, and Finance
Asset Disposal System Safely and securely removes IT assets from inventory IT Security
InCommon Security Certificates Email security IT Security
International Travel Tips Tips for travelling internationally IT Security
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Remote connection to University systems IT Security, Telephone and Network
Help Desk Support for all Enterprise (campuswide) applications IT Support and Training
Service Desk Support ticket tracking tool IT Support and Training
Software Sales and Licensing Site-licensed or educationally priced software IT Support and Training
Training Training - live and/or online on campuswide business applications IT Support and Training
Effort Reporting System Committing effort, charging and cost sharing, salary expenses Research and Reporting
Kuali Research Grant proposal submission tool Research and Reporting
Student Information Management Systems (SIMS) Student records Student Data and Academic Records
SURFs Student grades, billing, and finance Student Data and Academic Records
Eduroam International higher education wireless network Telephone and Network
Wireless Guests and Authenticated Guests Guest and Sponsored Wireless Access Telephone and Network
Network Wireless, jack activation, DNS & DHCP requests Telephone and Network
Telephones Moves, Adds, Changes, Emergency Phones, Fax, eFax, Webex: Unified Calling/Softphone and Zoom Telephone and Network
myUMB Portal Timesheet, paychecks, and personal info Human Resources, Payroll, and Finance
Zoom Cloud-based collaboration tool for video/audio conferencing Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, Tele-work/ Tele-learn Tools
Advance Facilitate fundraising activities Central Administration
Application Development ColdFusion Applications Email, Collaboration, and Productivity
Archibus Space Inventory Central Administration
ImageNow Document scanning and storage Student Data and Academic Records
Web Accessibility General best practices for web accessibility Campus Communication
DocuSign Electronic Signatures Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, Tele-work/ Tele-learn Tools
Phishing and SPAM Email Recognizing phishing and spam emails Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, IT Security
Kurzweil Screen reader application Educational Technology
Quantum Analytics Enterprise-wide reporting and analytics tool Human Resources, Payroll, and Finance, IT Support and Training, Student Data and Academic Records
Research Computing Secure Research Environment Research and Reporting
Poll Everywhere Embed interactive polls and questions Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, Research and Reporting
CoPilot Microsoft's AI-powered assistant Educational Technology, Email, Collaboration, and Productivity
Concur Travel and expense system Central Administration, Human Resources, Payroll, and Finance
Conference Room Technical Guides Conference Room technical guides Educational Technology
CITS eFax Services Electronic faxing (eFax) Email, Collaboration, and Productivity, Tele-work/ Tele-learn Tools, Telephone and Network