Downloading Your UMB Google Data

To download your UMB Google account data, please follow these instructions for each type.  All can be downloaded using Google Takeout.  For more information about Google Takeout, please review Google’s support page here:

The deadline for downloading your UMB Google account data is June 2, 2025.  After the deadline, access to UMB’s Google system will be disabled.


Use Google Takeout

Google Takeout can export your email to a single MBOX file.  The file can be opened using many email applications such as Apple Mail or Mozilla Thunderbird.  Unfortunately, the MBOX file format cannot be opened by the Microsoft Outlook desktop app.  To view the email in an MBOX file using the Microsoft Outlook desktop app, the MBOX file must first be converted by another program to a format Microsoft Outlook support (PST file format).

  • Click ‘Multiple Formats’ to view more information about the file types you will receive.  Click ‘OK’ to close the options and continue by scrolling down and clicking ‘Next Step’.

  • Click ‘All mail data included’ to view the list of mail categories. All email is selected by default.  To download specific mail categories, click ‘Deselect all’ and select the categories you want to download.  Click ‘OK’ to close the options and continue.

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Next step.’

  • Here, you can choose the destination of exported files (through email or other cloud file storage services), the frequency of exporting the data (once, or at recurring intervals), the format in which the downloaded data will be delivered (.zipand .tgz) and the maximum file size.  After selecting the desired options, click on 'Create Export'.

  • Depending on the amount of data, the export can take time to create the file. You have the option to cancel the export or create another export from the Export Progress section.
  • Once the export is complete, you will receive an email, and the export file will be available in your selected destination in your chosen format. You can extract the data from the .zip or .tgz file using an appropriate tool.



Use Google Takeout

Google Takeout can create one compressed file of all your photos for download, simplifying the download process.

  • Log in to your UMB student Google account here:

  • Go to the Google Takeout page here:

  • Click ‘Deselect All’ then scroll down to Google Photos and select its checkbox. As you select the option for Drive, a few options will appear underneath it that let you configure how to download the images.

  • Click ‘Multiple formats” to see some information about what will be downloaded. Click ‘OK’ to close the options and continue.

  • Click ‘All photo albums included’ to view the list of albums. All are selected by default.  To download specific albums, click ‘Deselect all’ and select the albums you want to download.  Click ‘OK’ to close the options and continue.

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Next step.’

  • Here, you can choose the destination of exported files (through email or other cloud file storage services), the frequency of exporting the data (once, or at recurring intervals), the format in which the downloaded data will be delivered (.zipand .tgz) and the maximum file size.  After selecting the desired options, click on 'Create Export'.

  • Depending on the amount of data, the export can take time. You have the option to cancel the export or create another export from the Export Progress section.
  • Once the export is complete, you will receive an email notification, and the export file will be available in your selected destination in your chosen format. You can extract the data from the .zip or .tgz file using an appropriate tool.


Use Google Takeout

Google Takeout lets you export all your Google data, including data from Drive.  This option is good if you have a lot of files or large files to download.  Google will create a compressed file (.zip or .tgz) of all your Drive contents and let you know when it is ready to download.  If you have a lot of files in Drive, Google may create multiple compressed files.  Google Takeout also supports automatically copying the file to your personal Box, DropBox, or OneDrive account.

  • Log in to your UMB student Google account here:

  • Go to the Google Takeout page here:

  • Click ‘Deselect All’ then scroll down to Drive and select its checkbox. As you select the option for Drive, a few options will appear underneath it that let you configure how to download the data.

  • Click on the 'Multiple Formats' option, and you'll be able to select which format you want to download the various files in. For example, you can download documents as DOCX or PDF. Similarly, you can select a format according to your preference for every file type for which the option is available. When done selecting options or if you’re not making any changes, select ‘OK’ to close the options and continue.

  • From the 'Advanced settings' option, you can select if you want to include additional files with the download, like the named, published, and uploaded versions. Select ‘OK’ to close the options and continue.

  • Clicking the 'All Drive Data Included' option will let you select which data you want to download. Since you want to download all Drive data, don't make any changes.  Select ‘OK’ to close the options and continue.

  • Scroll down and click on ‘Next step.’

  • Here, you can choose the destination of exported files (through email or other cloud file storage services), the frequency of exporting the data (once, or at recurring intervals), the format in which the downloaded data will be delivered (.zipand .tgz) and the maximum file size.  After selecting the desired options, click on 'Create Export'.

  • Depending on the amount of data, the export can take time. You can cancel the export or create another export from the Export Progress section.
  • Once the export is complete, you will receive an email, and the export file will be available in your selected destination in your chosen format. You can extract the data from the .zip or .tgz file using an appropriate tool.

Manually Download 

You can manually download files from Google Drive using a web browser.  If the amount of files you want to download is large, this my not be your best choice.  Instead, use Google Takeout or the desktop app.

  1. Log in to your UMB student Google account here:

  2. Go to the Google Takeout page here:

  3. Click on ‘My Drive’ from the menu on the left.

  4. The web interface will only show the first 50 files. You will need to school down and wait for all the files to load on the page before you can select them all.

  5. To select all the files, press CTRL + A (Windows) or CMD + A (Mac).

  6. From the toolbar that appears towards the top, click the ‘More actions’ (three dots) button.

  7. Select ‘Download’ from the menu.

  8. Google Drive will begin to zip the files. Depending on the number and size of files  you’re downloading, it can take some time.  You need to keep Drive open in your browser while the process completes.

  9. Once the zip file is made, it will be available in your default downloads folder. You can unzip it using any decompression tool and all your drive data will be available on  your computer.