Bits & Bytes

Quantum Analytics/Financials Training

The Business Applications Training Team hosts instructor-led trainings for several Quantum Analytics topics:

  • Introduction to Quantum Financials
  • All Activities Management Dashboard
  • Sponsored Management Dashboard

All instructor-led Quantum sessions are available to new users or as a refresher course for existing users. This is a great opportunity to brush up on PCard, expense reports, requisitions, NONPOs, billing, travel requests, etc. Consider signing-up for the next session.

Registration for Introduction to Quantum Financials is required before registering for any other Quantum training session. Visit the Training Database to register today. Self-study courses may be offered as a recorded webinar, step-by-step recorded instructions, or both. Materials can be viewed at your convenience. Links to available materials are included on a session's registration page.

Links to the recordings are available on the sessions' registration pages. The sessions are posted to the Quantum Financial Calendar, but the recordings can be viewed at the student's convenience.