Clinical, Field Placement, and Internship Guidelines for Students

March 6, 2020

Cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) are rapidly escalating worldwide. There have been confirmed cases in Maryland, so now is the time to prepare for the impacts COVID-19 could have on the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) community. The following public health guidance was used to develop these guidelines:

Clinicals, Field Placements, and Internships

The following guidelines apply to UMB students in their clinicals, field placements, and internships (whether in health, social work, or law):

• Students should not:

o Attend clinicals, field placements, or internships if they have been asked to self-quarantine by public health authorities or UMB

o Participate in the care of known or suspected COVID-19 patients

• Student clinicals, field placements, and internships will be canceled:

o At any site that is treating a patient with COVID-19 where appropriate environmental controls cannot be implemented per CDC guidelines

o At any site when crisis standards of care are used to care for COVID-19 patients

o When sites are unable to provide students with appropriate personal protective equipment

o In the event of staffing shortages at a site

  • Students will communicate with their clinical, field placement, or internship instructor before attending any scheduled experiences to check if cancellation is warranted.

  • For international clinicals, field placements, and internships, travel advisories from the CDC and State Department as well as UMB guidance on international travel should be followed.

  • Students will immediately communicate to their clinical, field placement, or internship

    instructor and their school’s clinical, field placement, or internship coordinator any safety

    concerns and stop participating in the experience until the issue is resolved.

  • Clinical, field placement, and internship sites and/or UMB retain the right to cancel student

    participation at any time to protect the safety of students and staff.

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It is unclear how many students may be removed from their clinical, field placement, and internship sites, for how long, and how broad the impacts may be. As much as possible, students will be accommodated with alternate clinicals, field placements, and internships so they can continue to meet requirements toward graduation and licensure. UMB officials will work to communicate updates to students expediently. Students also should contact their school’s clinical, field placement, or internship coordinator for more information.

The impact of COVID-19 can cause us to feel frustrated, disconcerted, and overwhelmed. As we collectively tackle the challenges that this disease presents, we want to emphasize resources available to our campus community:

We are committed to supporting our students, faculty, staff, and community members as we prepare for and respond to this constantly evolving situation.