Do I have to be tested at a UMB-designated testing site?

July 14, 2020 (updated July 15, 2020)

No. If you have no symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and want to be tested after out-of-state travel, we ask that you use one of many options listed below.

If you do not have symptoms, but want to be tested following out-of-state travel, we ask that you seek testing at one of the following locations. Note that testing for those who traveled out of state should occur between five to seven days after return and not before.
  • Your primary care provider.
  • Baltimore Convention Center Field Hospital. Make an appointment here.
  • Columbia Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (VEIP), Waldorf VEIP, and Pimlico Race Course. Make an appointment here.
  • Baltimore County testing sites, including the Timonium fairgrounds. Make an appointment here.
  • MDH list of all active COVID testing sites in Maryland.

Do not call the UMB COVID-19 Hotline solely for assistance with testing or testing sites.