UMB Traveler Responsibilities During COVID-19 Pandemic

August 2, 2022 (updated March 3, 2023)


  1. UMB students, faculty, and staff traveling on UMB business (as defined under UMB’s Policy on Business Travel for UMB Employees and Nonemployees) shall adhere to UMB and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 travel guidance.

  2. UMB students, faculty, and staff traveling outside the United States on UMB-related travel must also follow UMB’s travel procedures, including prior authorization and use of a UMB-approved travel agency to procure tickets and accommodations. The team at the Global Hub can help!

  3. The full CDC guidance can be found here.

  4. UMB students, faculty, or staff traveling outside the United States who test positive for COVID-19, develop COVID-19 symptoms, or had a close contact with a person with COVID-19 must contact International SOS for country-specific isolation or quarantine requirements. Travelers should follow the isolation or quarantine requirements of the country they are in. International SOS can be contacted through International SOS’s Assistance App or by calling one of their 24-hour Assistance Centers listed on the back of your membership card.

  5. Travelers should take at least five (5) N95, KN95, or equivalent masks and at least four (4) at-home over-the-counter COVID-19 diagnostic test kits with them when they travel.

  6. Before commencing travel, travelers should ensure they have the means to pay the upfront costs associated with not being able to travel on their scheduled return date. Travelers who do not have the financial means to cover expenses related to travel delays should talk to their respective School or business unit about alternative means to cover these expenses.

  7. Travelers should plan for the potential that their scheduled return date could be delayed by COVID-19 infection or exposure, in accordance with the CDC guidance.

  8. Travelers should keep receipts for all costs associated with delays to their scheduled return date, costs for any COVID-19 testing, etc.

School, Business Unit and/or Department Responsibilities

  1. Ensure that its travelers are informed of the above travel expectations.

  2. Plan to cover the costs associated with travelers who may be delayed from returning on their scheduled return date. Plan to cover the responsibilities of travelers whose return may be delayed.

  3. Plan and develop methods to provide financial support to travelers who cannot afford the upfront costs associated with delays in their return.

  4. If applicable, submit proper documentation for reimbursement to the insurance carrier for covered costs associated with travel delays due to COVID-19.

  5. Consider imposing appropriate disciplinary action for people who do not follow CDC and/or UMB travel guidance.