Researchers Safety Plan

June 12, 2020

Safety Plan

  • All researchers should review the COVID-19 Research Safety Plan which provides safety practices for conducting research during restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This plan is supplemental to the standard safe work practices list in the University Chemical Hygiene Plan and safety requirements listed in approved protocols.
  • COVID-19 Research Safety Training is required for all researchers prior to the resumption of laboratory activities.

 How to Clean and Disinfect Your Laboratory Space 

  • Clean commonly touched surfaces several times per day
    • Cleaning surfaces within your laboratory space is your responsibility.
    • This includes lab benches, lab equipment, desks, phones, remote controls, printers, fax machines, computer mice, and keyboards. The University recommends that departments or units purchase EPA-registered disinfectants such as single-use disinfectant wipes and multisurface spray cleaners.
    • Always use cleaning products as recommended on manufacturer labels, including wearing disposable gloves when directed.
    • Bleach solutions should be made fresh every 24 hours to ensure potency. Bleach will corrode metals such as stainless steel and copper. If it must be used on a metal surface, rinse it off thoroughly.
    • Bleach will permanently discolor fabric, including your clothing. Consider wearing a gown or apron and avoid using it on surfaces such as carpeting or office chairs.
    • Consider the use of alcohol-based wipes or spray for electronics, which may reduce the risk of damage to sensitive machine components.