Recovery Task Force

A Recovery Task Force (RTF) will guide UMB’s efforts to restore our maximum capacity to teach, research, care, serve, and operate by taking incremental steps through near-, mid-, and long-term recovery. The goal is not to return to “normal,” but instead to reposition UMB for a better future post-COVID-19.

  • The RTF will have focus areas, each guided by a leader and deputy leader appointed by the president.
  • Each focus area team will include appropriate school and department representatives, and will meet regularly.
  • Each dean and vice president will hold meetings as appropriate with their representatives on the focus area teams to share information and decisions, as well as identify issues, school/department needs, and priorities.
  • The representatives will bring information from their department/school meetings back to their respective focus areas to aid in planning.
  • RTF focus area leaders will periodically report during a meeting of the Crisis Management Advisory Group (CMAG), deans, and vice presidents.

Please read the UMB Return to Campus Framework that outlines plans for the Return to Campus (RTC) phase, focusing on Summer 2021 and the Fall 2021 semester.

Since May 2020, UMB has followed its UMB Recovery Framework, which has guided University continuity and restoration of education, research, and administrative functions throughout the COVID-19 pandemic