Prevention and Outreach Workshops

The Student Counseling Center (SCC) provides virtual and in-person presentations on a variety of mental health topics including, but not limited to: stress management, assisting students in distress, cultural sensitivity and available mental health resources. Outreach presentations are designed to raise awareness and provide information regarding mental health, to as many students as possible.

All prevention and outreach trainings or workshops are available by request. The SCC will do its best to accommodate outreach requests, as they come in on a rolling basis. Please submit requests a minimum of 4 weeks prior to requested date of service.

Anxiety Toolbox Workshop Series 
Micro-Credentials and Digital Badge Offered

Students will gain information that will increase the ability to understand the nature of stress, learn about strategies for managing stress, and how to lower their personal stress levels.

The Anxiety Toolbox is a 3-part psycho-educational workshop. This workshop is most helpful for students who are new to anxiety management. The series consists of three weekly, 1-hour skill-based in-person sessions. Participants receive a workbook to keep with additional exercises and information.

This psycho-educational work group can meet either in-person or virtually for 3 weeks.

This training offers a micro-credential and open badge. Micro-credentials are unaccredited competency-based certificates granted to individuals who have completed a non-academic educational training or program. Open badges are verifiable micro-credentials that can be shared through social media or LinkedIn. 

Assisting Students in Distress (for students or faculty/staff) 
Micro-Credentials and Digital Badge Offered

The Assisting Students in Distress Folder is a quick reference guide that helps identify common signs of student distress or crisis and directs faculty/ staff through campus protocol to clarify whom they should contact in the event of a mental health emergency. The folder also provides tips for how to approach a student who may be in distress and provide them with resources on or off campus.

  • Lecture style-focused, using the ‘Red Folder’ as a guide
  • Option of a staff or student-focused presentation
  • Camera: Not Required
  • Mic: Necessary for Q&A participation or use chat box feature
  • Includes interactive vignettes and real-life examples
  • PDF version of the Red Folder will be provided during the presentation
  • 60 minutes

Find more information on assisting students in distress here.


This training offers a micro-credential and open badge. Micro-credentials are unaccredited competency-based certificates granted to individuals who have completed a non-academic educational training or program. Open badges are verifiable micro-credentials that can be shared through social media or LinkedIn. 

Discussion Groups 
SCC discussion group topics are determined by university student interests. Please contact the SCC if you have any questions about these groups or are interested in another group.

The SCC now offers two discussion groups throughout the semester. Discussion groups are open to all UMB Students and meet virtually for all student access.

Alphabet Soup: LGBTQIA+ Discussion Group

Mind The Gap: Students with Disabilities Discussion Group

  • Every other Thursday, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
  •  Led by Dr. Meagan Henry of the SCC and Social Work Intern Mutiatu Balogun of Educational Support and Disability Services.
  • Available Dates and Registration

Emotion Regulation Toolbox 

This experience incorporates evidenced based elements of dialectal behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and psychoanalytic therapy and is designed to help you strengthen your ability for managing stress and overwhelming emotion. Emotional and cognitive exercises to improve your ability to express emotions effectively will be interwoven throughout this experience.

Mental Health First Aid Training (MHFA) 
Spring 2025 Training Dates Available

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) at the UMB Student Counseling Center is a skills-based training course that teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

Topics Covered include:

  • Depression and mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Trauma
  • Psychosis
  • Substance Use disorders

Once completed, participants will take a comprehension exam and receive a nationally recognized certification as a Mental Health First Aider. Training content and instructor certification provided by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.

For more information, including upcoming training dates at UMB, click here.

Orientation of SCC Services 

A student counseling center team member will present the ins and outs of our services. They will answer any questions about SCC's current services and our limitations.

  • Lecture style presentation
  • No camera or mic necessary
  • 30 minutes

Pop-up Meditation! 

Research has shown that mindfulness meditation can reduce stress, as well as symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance and pain. Students are invited to drift off under the simulated stars and aurora for a drop in hour of meditation.

Students have the option of dropping in and meditating at their own pace, or joining a group of guided meditation facilitated by student counseling center staff.

Toxic Positivity 

Learn evidenced based ways to talk to yourself and to others with warmth and compassion without falling into the trap of toxic positivity and invalidation. Join this discussion and practice of embracing the unique human emotional experience.

If you have any questions about the workshops listed above, require accommodations for a disability or would like to request a workshop specifically for your organization/group please contact the student counseling center at 410-328-8404

Interested in something else?

If you are interested in a topic not listed on the form, please contact the Senior Referral and Prevention Specialist, Tierra Major Kearney (, with what you are looking for so that it can be reviewed and the SCC can best assist you.

The Student Counseling Center often collaborates with URec Fitness and Wellness on workshops/presentations about wellness and healthy life balance. Check out their workshops and upcoming events here.