Colors and Fonts

There are three primary colors that make up the University of Maryland, Baltimore logo and there are nine colors that make up the secondary color palette. When printing in full color, please use the color breaks listed here, as these color breaks are based on the most current Pantone Color Bridge System®. The RGB and hex code values also are listed for any digital or web applications.

Primary Palette

    Coated CMYK         Uncoated CMYK          RGB            Hex Code


 PMS 186 2 100 85 6  1 91 72 3 200 16 46  #C8102E 


 PMS 116 0 14 100 0   0 19 100 0  255 205 0  #FFCD00


 Black 0 0 0 100  0 0 0 100 44 42 41   #2C2A29


Secondary Palette

The secondary color palette

     PMS                Coated/Uncoated CMYK        RGB               Hex Code

Teal 634 U 100 0 9 40 0 118 152 #007698
Slate Blue 5415 U 42 8 0 40 93 135 161 #5d87a1
Gray 7544 U 10 1 0 40 149 160 169 #95a0a9
Charcoal 7540 U 0 10 0 72 105 106 109 #696a6d
Plum 7449 U 72 100 77 40 73 24 45 #49182d
Forest Green 5743 U 33 0 85 82 51 70 13 #33460d
Sea Green 577 U 24 0 46 10 180 204 149 #b4cc95
Tan 7503 U 0 12 35 25 200 177 139 #c8b18b
Purple 268 U 63 73 17 2 115 89 144 #735990



Our visual identity is how we strategically and consistently share our stories and pride using specific words, logos, colors, and fonts in our advertising, marketing, public relations, and customer service.

There are two fonts used to create the University of Maryland, Baltimore logo — Trajan Pro Regular and Times New Roman Italic. In certain applications, an additional font of Gotham Book will be used.

Primary Fonts
There are three primary fonts — one serif font and two versions of the same sans serif font.

Primary Fonts


When primary fonts are not available, we suggest you use one of the following fonts. If one of the font selections below is not available, we suggest you use a similar serif or sans serif font.

Calibri, Arial, Minion Pro, Aptos, Times, Georgia, Helvetica