Social Media University Hashtags

The following hashtags are used by the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and/or associated schools, departments, and programs. If you would like to submit a new hashtag to this list, please contact

A hashtag is a keyword or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) used on social media to identify messages on a specific topic. When you add hashtags to your posts, you’re speaking the language of social media, and other users will respond in kind. Hashtags help to increase user engagement by making your content easier to find. Most social media sites use hashtags as a grouping function, enabling users to search for a topic by hashtag, which will return a site-wide list of posts that use that hashtag.

Hashtags help facilitate the discovery of new content and make it easier to categorize or group content (if you create a hashtag for a University event, for example, you can see all tweets related to that event by searching that particular hashtag).

University of Maryland, Baltimore



UMB Core Values






School of Nursing

School of Nursing Hashtag: #UMSON

School of Medicine

Institute of Human Virology (IHV): #IHVMaryland

Institute of Human Virology (IHV) Annual International Meeting: #IHVMeeting

2018 IHV International Meeting: #IHV2018

The JACQUES Initiative — Pride Month Campaign (June): #JIShowYourPride

School of Dentistry

National Children’s Dental Health Month: #NCDHM

School of Social Work

Social Work: #UMSSW

Carey School of Law

Carey Law Life: #CareyLawLife

Carey School of Law Graduates: #MCLGrad

School of Pharmacy

UMSOP Giving Day: #UMSOPGivingDay or #UMSOPProud

School of Graduate Studies

UMB Grad Chat — Virtual Information Sessions on Twitter: #UMBGradChat

The UM Grid’s Annual Grid Pitch: #GridPitch

UMB Office of Philanthropy 

Employee Giving Campaign: #UMBProudDonor

UMB Initiatives, Programs, and Partnerships 

UMB CURE Scholars: #UMBCureScholars

UMB Diversity Advisory Council: #UMBDAC

UMB Champions of Excellence: #UMBChampions 

Live Near Your Work Program: #LiveNearUMB

Maryland Public Television’s From West Baltimore: #FromWestBalt

The Catalyst Campaign: #CatalystUMB

The Grid Pitch: #GridPitch

University of Maryland Strategic Partnership — MPowering the State: #MPowerMD

State of the University:  #SOTUMB 


University System of Maryland (USM)

USM Hashtag: #USMImpact

Academic Affairs

Health Sciences and Human Services Library#UMBHSHSL


Baltimore City’s Hashtag: #MyBmore

UMB Community Hashtag: #WeAreUMB