Web Image Specifications "Cheat Sheet"

All images should be at least 72 dpi.
Please also refer to our accessibility guidelines for images on the web.


UMB homepage slideshow

1500 x 450px

The focal point should be central. The left and right sides will be cropped to fit certain screen sizes.

The bottom 1/4 to 1/3 of the image will be obscured by the headline and blurb.

No text should be embedded in the image. In addition to the usual accessibility concerns, the variably cropped and/or obscured nature of the layout does not accommodate text.

Standard slideshow

740 x 400 px (if the page has a left column)
1022 x 400 px (if the page has no left column)

The focal point can vary, but it will work best if it follows the rule of thirds. The image may be obscured by a text overlay on the left or right third (Bottom or top on mobile). Parts of the image will be cropped to fit certain screen sizes. You can choose which portion of the image should be prioritized.

No text should be embedded in the image. In addition to the usual accessibility concerns, the variably cropped and/or obscured nature of the layout does not accommodate text.

Thumbnail list item

Image dimensions can vary, so long as all adjacent thumbnail list items on the same page share the same dimensions.

100 x 100px works well.

Tiled gallery

Images should be 310px wide but can be any height.

Video gallery

Thumbnails should be 75 x 75px.

Image gallery

The thumbnail should be 165 x 165px.

The full image may be quite large, but the larger the image the longer it will take to load in the viewer's browser. Recommended maximum width is 1500px.

General content

For an image to fill the entire width of the main content column, it must be:
820px wide (if the page has a left column)
1102px wide (if the page has no left column)

The image can be any height.

Two column content

For an image to fill the entire width of a column, it must be:
400px wide (if the page has a left column)
537px wide (if the page has no left column)

The image can be any height.

Three column content

For an image to fill the entire width of a column, it must be:
260px wide (if the page has a left column)
350px wide (if the page has no left column)

The image can be any height.

Four column content

For an image to fill the entire width of a column, it must be:
190px wide (if the page has a left column)
255px wide (if the page has no left column)

The image can be any height.

UMB News

Homepage thumbnail should be 400 x 250px.
Article images should have a maximum width of 510px (can be any height).

The Elm

Elm blog post and Elm Weekly email

290px-360px wide

The image can be any height.

The Elm Calendar

Calendar events

Maximum 363px wide (if the image is entered into the Event Image field)
690px wide (if the image is meant to fill the width of the main content column)

The image can be any height.

Social media


Event Cover Photo: 1930 x 1080
Recommended upload size of 1930 x 1080 pixels
Minimum dimensions are 400 x 150 pixels
Aspect ratio is 16:9

Shared Image (in a post): 1,200 X 630 pixels, 1080 X 1080 pixels or 1080 X 1350 pixels
Recommended upload size of 1,200 x 630 pixels.
Will appear in feed at a max width of 470 pixels (will scale to a max of 1:1).
Will appear on page at a max width of 504 pixels (will scale to a max of 1:1).

Shared Link Image (in post): 1,200 x 630
Recommended upload size of 1,200 x 628 pixels.
Small Square Photo in Link Preview: Minimum 154 x 154px in feed.
Small Square Photo in Link Preview: Minimum 116 x 116 on page.
Full Size Rectangular Photo in Link Preview: Minimum 470 x 246 pixels in feed.
Full Size Rectangular Photo in Link Preview: Minimum 484 x 252 on page.
Facebook will scale photos under the minimum dimensions. For better results, increase image resolution at the same scale as the minimum size.

Other Facebook Image and Video Sizes:

  • Facebook group cover image size: 1640 x 856 pixels
  • Facebook video size: 1280 x 720 pixels
  • Maximum Facebook video length: 240 minutes
  • Facebook image ad size: 1200 x 628 pixels
  • Facebook video ad size: 1080 x 1350 pixels, at least 1080 x 1080 pixels, ratios from 16:9 to 9:16 are also supported
  • Facebook Story ad size: 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Facebook Messenger image ad size: 1200 x 628 pixels
  • Facebook Reels: 1080 × 1920 pixels


X In-stream Photo Size: 1200 X 675 pixels or 675  X 1200 pixels
Maximum amount of photos per post is 4.
Maximum file size 5 MB on mobile app and 15MB on the web.
Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG.

Profile photo: 400 x 400 (displays at 200 x 200)
Square Image recommended 400 x 400 pixels.
Maximum file size 2 MB.
Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG.

Header/Cover Image: 1,500 x 500
Recommended 1,500 x 500 pixels.
Maximum file size of 5 MB.
Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG.

Video 1280 x 1024 (default)
Other sizes: 720 x 720 pixels (square), 1280 x 720 pixels (landscape), 720 x 1280 pixels (portrait)
Minimum 32 x 32 pixels
Maximum length 140 seconds or 10 Minutes with X Premium
Maximum size 512 MB
Frames: 30 FPS, 60 FPS recommended; 60 FPS maximum
File format: .mp4 for desktop and .mp4 and .mov for mobile; H264 Codec
Advanced formatting information can be found here.

Animated GIF 1280 x 1080
Maximum frames 350
Maximum 15MB

Other X Sizes:

  • X image size for ads: 800 x 418px (Website card), 800 x 800px (App card image), 800 x 800px (Carousels), 800 x 418px (Direct Message card), 800 x 418px (Conversation card)
  • Xad size (video): 720 x 720px (square), 1280 x 720px (landscape), 720 x 1280px (portrait); length: 12 seconds or less (recommended), 2 minutes and 20 seconds (maximum)


Profile Picture: 110 x 110
Appear on your profile at 110 x 110 pixels.
Square photo: make sure to maintain an aspect ratio of 1:1.

Photo and Video Size: 1080 x 1350 (feed), 1080 x 1080 (square); 1080 x 1920 (Reels and Stories);
The sizes of Instagram images are now flexible to fit three different dimensions.
These dimensions are acceptable for Instagram carousel posts and carousel ads.

Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920
Recommended resolution is 1080 x 1920.
Minimum resolution is 600 x 1067.
Aspect ratio is 9:16.
Max file size is 4GB.

Other Instagram Sizes

  • Instagram ads size: 1080 x 566 pixels (landscape), 1080 x 1080 pixels (square)
  • Instagram Reels and Threads: 1080 x 1920 pixels


LinkedIn Post Size: 1080 X 1080 pixels, or 1080 X 1350 pixels or 1920 X 1080 pixels or 1080 X 566 pixels
Maximum file size 100MB
Image and file types include: PNG, JPG, GIF, doc/docx, pdf, or ppt/pptx.

Company Logo Image: 300 x 300 pixels
Recommended 300 x 300 pixels.
Minimum 300 x 300 pixels.
Maximum 4MB (Square layout).
Image types include: PNG, JPG or GIF.

Square Logo: 60 x 60 pixels
This is the brand image that shows up when your company is searched. Make sure you use something recognizable to your brand let customers know which company is yours.
60 x 60 pixels (resized to fit).
Maximum 2MB.
Image types include: PNG, JPG or GIF.

Company Cover Image: 1128 x 191

Hero Image for Company Pages: 1128 x 376 pixels
The Hero image only appears if your page has a Life tab. This is part of the paid recruitment service package.

Other LinkedIn image and video sizes:

  • LinkedIn Stories image size: 1080 x 1920px
  • LinkedIn video size: Between 256x144 px and 4096x2304 px / between 1:2.4 and 2.4:1 aspect ratio
  • Maximum LinkedIn video length: 10 minutes


Profile Picture: 800 x 800
JPG, BMP, PNG, or GIF (not animated) are accepted formats
Profile picture will be cropped into a circle and rendered at 98x98 pixels

Channel Cover Image: 2560 x 1440
Maximum 6MB
Will appear as 1546 x 423 pixels on smartphones

Video Preview Thumbnails: 1280 x 720
Maximum 2MB
Minimum width 640 pixels

YouTube Standard video: minimum dimension is 426 x 240px, maximum dimension is 3840 x 2160px; aspect ratio of 16:9
Safe area for text and logos (that will display on all devices): 1546 x 423 pixels

Banner image: 2048 x 1152
Aspect ratio 16:9

UMB Mobile App

Images for mobile app notifications should have a width of 800px minimum, but 1200px is recommended. While images can be any height, use the preferred sizes below. Landscape format is recommended. The file size should remain below 2mb.

If you have already created (or plan to create) any of the following, consider repurposing them: 

  • 800 x 450 px (Resized from 1920x1080 px digital display image to bring file under 2mb. Remove QR code.)
  • 1022 x 400 px (Standard slideshow, no left column)
  • 1200 X 630 px (Facebook shared image in post)
  • 1200 X 628 px (Facebook shared link in a post)
  • 1500 x 450 px (UMB homepage slideshow)