Letters to the UMB Community

Women's History Month Statement

March 01, 2023

Dear UMB Community, 
March is Women’s History Month. At the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), we celebrate the incredible accomplishments and contributions of women throughout history and in our lives, and we honor trailblazers, innovators, and leaders who have inspired us by their examples of perseverance, courage, and brilliance.  

Women such as Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who has inspired generations of women to break gender barriers. Even after facing gender discrimination as she pursued her academic goals, Ginsburg forged ahead and became the second woman--and first Jewish woman--to serve on the Supreme Court. Sojourner Truth, who took on slavery and advocated for civil rights and women’s rights earning her a visit with President Abraham Lincoln and a place in history. And Sylvia Rivera, the pioneering LGBT activist who fought tirelessly for trans rights, LGBT people and the Homeless. 

Women’s History Month is also about us — our communities, families, and influential women who may never be in the public spotlight or grace the headlines or front pages, but whose daily work and sacrifice build our communities and our society at large. They are our special “sheroes” and leaders. In many cases, we can say, “We are because they are.” 
Maya Angelou said, “Each time a woman stands up for herself she stands up for all women.”  This message is especially important as we find ourselves in a challenging moment in our democracy around the rights and roles of women in our society.

At UMB, we stand up for women by working to promote and advance women’s efforts and careers across the University. Organizations such as UMBrella, Women In Medicine and Science (WIMS), and the President’s Council for Women highlight and promote the growth of all women at UMB.
This Women’s History Month, we affirm our commitment to support and advance the development of women, celebrate their achievements, and continue to collaborate to foster a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse UMB.


Diane Forbes Berthoud, PhD MA
Chief Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer and Vice President, UMB
Professor, Graduate School


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