Guide to Changes in On-Campus Operations

This page offers clarification for what closures, delays, liberal leave, and more might mean for UMB employees and students.


Please note: In the event of any conflicting information, always adhere to UMB and USM policies.

Use the anchor links below to navigate to a section:

Closure | Delay | Liberal and Administrative Leave | Early Departure | Other

Campus Closure

Essential Employees and Non-Essential On-Campus Employees


What is an essential employee? 

Essential employees are employees who provide essential services such as maintenance, snow removal, public safety, patient care, laboratory personnel, or employees who provide other essential services during emergency conditions.

These employees are required to report to work on days the University decides to delay opening or close the UMB campus. Employees who are unsure of their status should contact their supervisor.

How do I know if I am an essential employee? 

Employees who are designated as essential employees shall receive notification on an annual basis during the month of October. Essential employees are expected to report to work and perform their duties regardless of whether there is a delayed opening or closure of the campus. Employees who are unsure of their status should contact their supervisor.

I'm designated as essential. Do I come to campus during a closure?  

Employees who are designated as "essential" are required to come to campus unless alternative instructions have been communicated by the employee's supervisor. 

Nonexempt Regular and Contingent II employees who are designated as essential and required to physically work on-site during a weather closure may be entitled to receive compensatory time or additional pay in accordance with relevant human resources policies, in addition to any applicable collective bargaining MOU provisions.

If you have questions about your specific responsibilities or circumstances, please communicate with your immediate supervisor or instructor about whether to come to campus.

As a reminder, UMB closings DO NOT APPLY to either UMMC campus or FPI employees. FPI employees should contact their supervisors.

I work on campus, but am not designated as "essential." Should I come to campus during a closure? 

While the University never closes, sometimes the physical campus will close due to inclement weather for the safety of our entire UMB community. 

Only essential operations should occur during an on-campus closure. Employees who are not designated as "essential" should not come to campus. If you are unsure if you are "essential," you should communicate with your immediate supervisor. 

As a reminder:

  • Essential employees should report to campus as scheduled.
  • Employees who are approved to telework should work their regularly scheduled hours or take liberal leave. Supervisors may not unreasonably deny a teleworker’s request to take leave during an emergency closure if the emergency condition results in unexpected dependent care obligations (e.g., school closure). See UMB Policy on Telework, section VII-D.
  • Employees who are not approved to telework and employees who are not required to come to campus as essential employees will receive paid administrative leave.
  • Virtual learning should continue as scheduled, unless otherwise communicated.
  • In-person classes and activities are canceled unless virtual alternatives are communicated.

UMB closings DO NOT APPLY to either UMMC campus or FPI employees. FPI employees should contact their supervisors.


If UMB is closed, can I still come to campus? 

While the University never closes, sometimes the physical campus will close due to inclement weather for the safety of our entire UMB community. Only activities deemed essential should occur on-campus during a closure. 

If you have questions about your specific responsibilities or circumstances, please communicate with your immediate supervisor or instructor about whether to come to campus or if you need alternative accommodations due to weather conditions in your local area.

Remote Work/Telework


If the UMB campus is closed due to inclement weather, are teleworkers excused from work? 

In the event an employee’s physical UMB worksite is closed due to inclement weather or similar emergency conditions on a day the employee is approved to telework, the employee is expected to continue to telework or to take liberal leave. Supervisors may not unreasonably deny a teleworker’s request to take leave during an emergency closure if the emergency condition results in unexpected dependent care obligations (e.g., school closure). See UMB Policy on Telework, section VII-D.

Employees permitted to telework, but unable to do so, must follow departmental procedures for notification of the decision to use liberal leave.

As a reminder, UMB closings DO NOT APPLY to either UMMC campus or FPI employees. FPI employees should contact their supervisors.

My supervisor has approved me to telework multiple days per week and the days are not always the same. Am I required to telework on a day that the University implements a weather closure or delay? 

Yes. Because you are approved to telework on a day that a weather closure or delay is implemented, you should work your regular schedule via telework or take liberal leave.

I am approved to telework, but I have childcare or caregiver responsibilities. Will UMB accommodate these during a closure? 

You should speak to your supervisor about taking leave. The UMB Telework Policy provides that supervisors may not unreasonably deny a teleworker’s request to take leave during an emergency closure if the emergency condition results in unexpected dependent care obligations (e.g., school closure). See UMB Policy on Telework, section VII-D.



I am a supervisor and have certain employees who telework multiple days per week. Are these employees required to telework on days that the University implements a weather closure or delay? 

If you have approved your employees to telework on a day that the University implements a weather closure or delay, they should work their regular schedule or take liberal leave. To avoid any doubt, supervisors should communicate their expectations well in advance of any weather closure or delays.

I am a supervisor with direct reports that ordinarily work on campus. Do I have the discretion to require my direct reports to telework during a weather closure even if they do not ordinarily telework?  

No. The UMB Policy on Telework states that if a weather delay or closure occurs “on a day the employee is approved to Telework, the employee is expected to continue to Telework or to take leave.” The intent of this language is that, while the University generally expects teleworkers who are able to perform their jobs remotely to continue to telework, supervisors should not impose telework expectations on employees who would ordinarily be in the office and may not be prepared to telework. If a worksite will be closed for an extended, but still temporary, emergency closure, supervisors should contact HR about converting employees to a period of Episodic Telework.



If UMB is closed, do I still need to attend classes online?  

While the University never closes, sometimes the physical campus will close due to inclement weather for the safety of our entire UMB community. In the event of a campus closure: 

  • Students with virtual learning should expect their courses to continue as scheduled, unless otherwise communicated. 
  • Students with in-person classes should expect their on-campus lectures or activities to be canceled. 

If you have questions about your specific responsibilities or circumstances, please communicate with your instructor about whether to come to campus or if you need alternative accommodations due to weather conditions in your local area.


Research, Clinics, and Parking


Where can I park at UMB during a closure? 

During a closure of on-campus operations, UMB essential employees, students, and UMMC and FPI parkers MUST use one of the 24-hour garages (Pratt Street, Plaza, Baltimore Grand, and Lexington garages) or Penn garage, which will remain open during an emergency closure.

For more details, visit the UMB Parking and Transportation website.

Will my on-campus experiential learning and/or research continue during a closure?  

While the University never closes, sometimes the physical campus will close due to inclement weather for the safety of our entire UMB community. 

Per the UMB Policy on Emergency Conditions, on-campus experiential learning (such as clinicals) and research are also subject to a UMB closure. If you have questions about your specific responsibilities or circumstances located on-campus or off-campus, please communicate with your immediate supervisor or instructor about whether to come to campus, your experiential learning site, or if you need alternative accommodations due to weather conditions in your local area.

As a reminder, UMB closings DO NOT APPLY to either UMMC campus or FPI employees. FPI employees should contact their supervisors.

UMB is closed. Will the dental clinic open? 

When UMB announces an on-campus closure due to inclement weather, the dental clinic will also close.

Specific information about dental clinic operations can be found:

  • Online:
  • Patient Information line: 410-706-7101
  • Weather Hotline: 410-706-3368 (DENT)

UMB is closed. Is the Western Penn Women's Center open? 

While the Western Penn Women's Center, located at 120 Penn St., is on UMB's campus, it is operated by the University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, Inc. and the University of Maryland Medical Center. UMB closures and delays do not directly impact the Women's Center's operations. 

If you have questions about if inclement weather is impacting the Women's Center hours, call 667-214-1300.


My on-campus meeting, class, etc. begins in person before the delay, but extends beyond the time when UMB opens. Should I attend? 

For the safety of our UMB community, only emergency essential operations should occur on campus during a delay. Non-essential on-campus activities may only begin after the scheduled delay.

To repeat, on-campus activities that are not deemed essential should not begin before the campus opens. If you have questions about your specific responsibilities or circumstances, please communicate with your immediate supervisor or instructor about whether to come to campus or if you need alternative accommodations due to weather conditions in your local area.

In the event of a campus delay:

  • Essential employees should report to campus as scheduled.
  • Employees who are approved to telework should work their regularly scheduled hours or take liberal leave. Supervisors may not unreasonably deny a teleworker’s request to take leave during an emergency closure if the emergency condition results in unexpected dependent care obligations (e.g., school closure). See UMB Policy on Telework, section VII-D.
  • Employees who are not approved to telework will receive paid administrative leave during the delay.
  • Virtual learning should continue as scheduled, unless otherwise communicated.
  • In-person classes and activities that begin before the delay are canceled unless virtual alternatives are communicated.

If students have questions about their specific responsibilities or circumstances located on campus or off campus, please communicate with your immediate supervisor or instructor about whether to come to campus, your experiential learning site, or if you need alternative accommodations due to weather conditions in your local area.

As a reminder, UMB delays DO NOT APPLY to either UMMC campus or FPI employees. FPI employees should contact their supervisors.

UMB is delayed. Will the dental clinic open on time? 

When UMB announces an on-campus delay due to inclement weather, the dental clinic hours may differ from the University's guidance.

Specific information about dental clinic operations can be found:

  • Online:
  • Patient Information line: 410-706-7101
  • Weather Hotline: 410-706-3368 (DENT)

UMB is delayed. Is the Western Penn Women's Center open? 

While the Western Penn Women's Center, located at 120 Penn St., is on UMB's campus, it is operated by the University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, Inc. and the University of Maryland Medical Center. UMB closures and delays do not directly impact the Women's Center's operations. 

If you have questions about if inclement weather is impacting the Women's Center hours, call 667-214-1300.

Liberal and Administrative Leave

What is liberal leave? Does it apply to me?  

Liberal leave occurs when UMB decides to announce the option for employees who are not designated as essential to come into work or take leave. The absence of an employee choosing not to come to work will be charged to their available paid or unpaid leave. Employees must follow departmental procedures for notification of the decision to use liberal leave.

Liberal leave applies only to employees who are NOT designated as essential. Liberal leave does not apply to students. 

If you have questions about your specific responsibilities or circumstances, please communicate with your immediate supervisor or instructor about whether to come to campus or if you need alternative accommodations due to weather conditions in your local area.

Which leave balances may be used for liberal leave? 

Nonessential employees may elect to work or take accrued annual, holiday, personal, compensatory leave, or leave without pay.

What is administrative leave? 

When special circumstances arise, the President (or designee) may authorize leave with pay separate from the standard leave banks. Such leave may be granted to all regular nonessential employees when circumstances such as extreme weather conditions require the closing of campus.

What is the purpose of administrative leave? 

Administrative leave is intended to replace the hours employees would have been at work, had the University not closed, had a delayed opening, or early dismissal. If employees would not have been working during the hours the University was closed, they are not eligible for administrative leave.

An employee was already scheduled to take the day off – should they receive administrative leave? 

If an employee was previously scheduled to take the day off, the day is to be taken using the accrued leave originally approved. No administrative leave is granted.

The University closed at 3 p.m., but an employee left at 2 p.m. May administrative leave be used? 

If an employee left earlier than the University closure time, they must use available paid leave or unpaid leave to supplement the time prior to the closure. Administrative leave may be used based on the University closure time.

UMB is offering liberal leave. Will the dental clinic open? 

When UMB announces that liberal leave is in effect, the dental clinic hours may differ from the University's guidance.

Specific information about dental clinic operations can be found:

  • Online:
  • Patient Information line: 410-706-7101
  • Weather Hotline: 410-706-3368 (DENT)

Early Departure

UMB is closing early. Where can I park? 

During an early closure, all UMB garages will continue to operate as usual. Parkers should follow the normal procedures. 

For more details, visit the UMB Parking and Transportation website.

UMB is closing early. Will the dental clinic also close? 

When UMB announces an on-campus early closure due to inclement weather, the dental clinic hours may differ from the University's guidance.

Specific information about dental clinic operations can be found:

  • Online:
  • Patient Information line: 410-706-7101
  • Weather Hotline: 410-706-3368 (DENT)

UMB is closing early. Will the Western Penn Women's Center close? 

While the Western Penn Women's Center, located at 120 Penn St., is on UMB's campus, it is operated by the University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, Inc. and the University of Maryland Medical Center. UMB closures and delays do not directly impact the Women's Center's operations. 

If you have questions about if inclement weather is impacting the Women's Center hours, call 667-214-1300.


Where can I find information about changes to UMB operations? 

In the event of a UMB-wide delay or closure, a UMB Alert will be sent to the university community. In some cases, this message may be sent as early as 5 a.m. to ensure that those with long commutes or early shifts are aware of the change in campus operations. 
Please ensure that your information is up-to-date in UMB Alerts. Information about a change in on-campus operations will also be available on the UMB Alerts webpage, UMB social media accounts, and the UMB Emergency Information Hotline (410-706-8622). Please note, in order to avoid confusion and misinformation, weather-related delays and closures will no longer be sent to local media outlets. 

There is inclement weather, but no information has been sent/posted. What is the status of UMB campus operations? 

The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Emergency Management Team works with UMB leadership to make a decision about a change in campus operations by 5 a.m. whenever possible. In the event of a closure, delay, or liberal leave, information about a change to on-campus operations will be sent via UMB Alerts, posted on the UMB Alerts webpage, UMB social media accounts, and the UMB Emergency Information Hotline (410-706-8622).

UMB campus operations will continue as normal unless otherwise indicated. Notifications will only be made in the event of a change to on-campus operations. Even if there is inclement weather, UMB will not notify campus or post an announcement if there is no change to campus operations.

The safety of employees and students is our number one priority. If you have questions about your specific responsibilities or circumstances, please communicate with your immediate supervisor or instructor about whether to come to campus or if you need alternative accommodations due to weather conditions in your local area.

I am an employee who is covered under a labor union or have a contract governing my employment. Which guidelines or policies apply to me during inclement weather? 

If you are covered under a labor union, the terms of your Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will take precedence over these guidelines in the event of a conflict, except as otherwise permitted by law. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Employee and Labor Relations team at or 410-706-7302.