Stuart S. Martin, PhD


Drs. Angela and Harry Brodie Professor of Translational Cancer Research

Professor of Pharmacology

UMGCCC Interim Chair, Department of Pharmacology, Physiology & Drug Development

Deputy Director & Associate Director of Basic Research, UMGCCC

School Affiliation

School of Medicine


  • Breast Cancer Research


With a focus on bioengineering, tumor cell biology, and the molecular mechanisms to inhibit cancer metastasis, Dr. Martin is widely regarded for the research and discovery of thin membrane protrusions called “microtentacles” on the surface of breast cancer cells which may indicate how cancer spreads to other parts of the body. In 2020, his research team furthered this work and invented a novel device called TetherChip, to enable better testing for microtentacles. The tiny fluid-filled device preserves tumor cells by preventing cell adhesion and has been awarded a US patent with the goal of seeking FDA approval. Dr. Martin has published more than 90 articles in high-impact scientific journals, including Cancer Research, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Science Signaling and Clinical Cancer Research. He was one of only three investigators in the U.S. in 2010 to receive an Era of Hope Scholar Award from the Department of Defense for his innovative research on breast cancer. After joining UMSOM as a faculty member in 2004, Dr. Martin served as a Professor of Physiology for 16 years before transitioning to the Department of Pharmacology in 2020. In recognition of his transformative contributions in cancer research, he was invested as the Drs. Angela and Harry Brodie Professor in Translational Cancer Research. Dr. Martin received his Ph.D. from the University of California-San Diego in Biomedical Sciences, a program that combined molecular cell biology with pharmacology and physiology.

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This information was last updated December 19, 2024.