Margaret M. McCarthy, PhD


James and Carolyn Frenkil Dean's Professor

Professor of Pharmacology

Director, University of Maryland - Medicine Institute of Neuroscience Discovery

School Affiliation

School of Medicine


  • Gender Differences and Brain Development


Dr. McCarthy is a leading neuroscientist who has made significant discoveries related to gender differences and the brain. Her seminal research focuses on the influence of steroid hormones on the developing brain with a special emphasis on understanding the cellular mechanisms that establish sex differences—that is, the numerous, novel mechanisms (including roles for prostaglandins, endocannabinoids, amino acid transmitters, and multiple enzymes) by which steroids permanently organize the developing brain differently in males and females. Dr. McCarthy conducted some of the first studies on how steroid hormones can imprint epigenetically on the developing brain to organize differences between males and females in adult physiology and behavior.

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Tagged: Research and Innovation  

This information was last updated December 20, 2024.