Eric Belt, EdD

Eric Belt, EdD, is a senior academic innovation specialist and researcher in the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). He conducts educational research and supports faculty, staff, and students in improving online teaching and learning. With a doctorate in educational technology from Boise State University, a master's in distance education and e-learning from the University of Maryland, University College, and a bachelor's in business administration from Towson University, Dr. Belt brings extensive knowledge and expertise to his field.

Having previously served as the director of learning technology at the College of Southern Maryland and the assistant director of e-learning at Howard Community College, Dr. Belt has exhibited a proven track record in leading teams and implementing strategic initiatives. He actively contributes to faculty development, online course development, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. He is an adjunct assistant professor in the Health Professions Education doctoral program, combining teaching experience with a diverse course portfolio. He currently serves as a leader, board member, chair, coordinator, and reviewer to various academic associations and initiatives. Adept in the use of data analytics tools, learning management systems, and media production software, Dr. Belt combines his technical expertise with his passion for advancing educational experiences to make an impact at UMB. 

Eric Belt, EdD
Senior Academic Innovation Specialist


Belt, E. S., Lowenthal, P. R., & Fromtling, L. (under review). Exploring faculty experiences of teacher-student relationships in online courses. 

Belt, E. S., Keohane, C., Vaye, C., & Fromtling, L. (under review). Early career faculty professional development in higher education: A systematic review. 

Belt, E. S., Friesen, N., Lowenthal, P. R., & Snelson, C. (in press). Teacher-student relationships in an online graduate program: A phenomenological analysis. Online Learning Journal

Belt, E. S., Brightbill, G. A., & Roberts-Lieb, S. (in press). Graduate Teaching Assistant professional development in higher education: A systematic review. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. Special Issue.

Belt, E. S. & Riley, S. J. (2024). The SoTL research roadmap: A practical workbook (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Maryland, Baltimore. 

Belt, E. S., Menendez, R. H., & Cestone, C. M. (2024). Center for teaching and learning websites as online faculty development: A framework. To Improve the Academy, 43(1), 226-263.

Belt, E. S., & Lowenthal, P. R. (2022). Synchronous video-based communication technologies and online learning: An exploration of instructors' perceptions, experiences, and expectations. Education and Information Technologies, 28(5), 4941-4964. 

​Lowenthal, P., Borup, J., West, R., Archambault, L., & Belt, E. S. (2021). Faculty perceptions of using synchronous video-based communication technology. Online Learning Journal, 25(4), 74-103. 

Lowenthal, P. R., Fiock, H. S., Shreaves, D. L., & Belt, E. S. (2021). Investigating students’ perceptions of screencasting style of video feedback in online courses. TechTrends, 66(2), 265-275.

Belt, E. & Lowenthal, P. (2021). Video use in online and blended courses: A qualitative synthesis. Distance Education, 42(3), 410-440.

Cestone, C., Belt, E., & Kulo, V. (2021). Communicating Instructional Design with Faculty. In J. E. Stefaniak, S. Conklin, B. Oyarzun, & R. M. Reese (Eds.), A Practitioner's Guide to Instructional Design in Higher Education. EdTech Books.

Belt, E. & Lowenthal, P. (2020). Developing faculty to teach with technology: Themes from the literature. Tech Trends, 64(2), 248-259.

Belt, E. (2018). Book review of best practices for teaching with emerging technologies. Open Praxis, 10(3), 305-306.

Belt, E. (2014). Applying heutagogy in online learning: The side model. In L. M. Blaschke, C. Kenyon, & S. Hase (Eds.), Experiences in self-determined learning (pp. 195-204). Middletown, DE: Amazon Publishing.