COMPASS: A Course Development Program

COMPASS: Creating Outcomes, Methods, and Practices Aligned for Student Success. 

This program is designed for UMB faculty creating brand new or significantly redesigned courses. We will lean into the metaphor of travel planning to:

  • reflect on the needs of our student travelers,
  • chart our destination, and
  • ensure that instructional methods and assessments support the journey. 

This program will run from June 2nd until July 11th, 2025 and will feature several live (virtual) meetings with the cohort, one-on-one meetings with FCTL team members, and independent/asynchronous work—all designed to provide you with time and resources to make substantial progress on your course development. 

Working in a small cross-discipline cohort, with one-on-one support from FCTL team members, faculty participants will:  

  • Connect with the “why” of the course—its outcomes, its role in the broader curriculum, and its importance in the world.
  • Reflect on the “who” of the course—who takes this course, why it matters to them, what they need to be successful.
  • Develop a course plan that maps out objectives, assessments, and course activities for each unit or topic.
  • Brainstorm ideas for engaging assessments and activities.
  • Evaluate whether technology or other approaches can help students learn the material (and possibly make your life easier, too).
  • Design ways to answer the question, “How will I know if this is working?” 

This program is limited to 12 participants developing or revising any type of course (in-person, hybrid, or online) and is designed with the flexibility of summer schedules in mind. It will employ a combination of live (virtual) meetings with the group, asynchronous independent work, and one-on-one virtual meetings with FCTL team members. Live meeting times will be scheduled based on the general availability of the participants.  
