Group of Students at Commencement


Thank you for your investment in the mission of the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and the seven highly ranked schools that comprise our institution, the schools of medicine, law, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, social work, and our interdisciplinary Graduate School.

The Office of Planned Giving, within the UMB Office of Philanthropy under Interim Chief Philanthropy Officer, Senior Vice President, and Chief Enterprise and Economic Development Officer, James L. Hughes, CFRE, MS, and UMB President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, exists to facilitate giving for both donors and our development colleagues, and the UMB community at-large, through advantageous giving options. We do this through promotion, education, engagement, advising, and executing internal actions related to giving to UMB and its seven schools.

In general, gifts to UMB are to the University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. (UMBF). The Office of Planned Giving can assist with gifts to any school, program, designation, or fund at UMB and its schools. Our process is consultative, providing donors transparent and relevant information to their giving interests, and colleagues tools to assist donors make the most mutually advantageous gift. Our discussions are kept in confidence, and donors may give anonymously with the support of our office.

Thank you for your interest, consideration, and support of the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Certified Gift Annuity Issuer


October 21 – 25, 2024 was National Estate Planning Awareness Week, and UMB participated by providing free estate planning resources and a free estate planning conference.

Watch Wills Week Video Presentations

Getting Started

To get started, first consider what you want to accomplish, and what is important to you.

Aerial view of the UMB campus.

Giving Options

You may already have a designation and use in mind, or you may know generally what you would wish to support, or you may desire to make an unrestricted gift for the immediate operating support of the institution or a particular school.

Photo of campus exterior with students walking.

Donor Stories

Real-life examples of donors giving to UMB. UMB simply could not perform its mission without the generosity of these individuals who invest in our students, research, clinics, and community engagement programs.

An exterior shot of the UMB campus.

eBrochure Library

If you are unsure where to start, would like general information, or would like to explore giving options on your own, explore our eBrochure Library.

An exterior shot of the UMB campus in springtime.

Contact Us

Do you have unanswered questions or additional comments? Please contact us directly for more information, and to explore your giving options and priorities on behalf of UMB.