FAQ - Procurement

My PCard is too limited – what can I do? 

It can be difficult to use PCards for transactions outside the US, and we can help you find another way if need be. Contact us at globalhub@umaryland.edu to be connected to one of our international procurement specialists.

Your PCard may not work because of State of Maryland limitations on what you may charge to it, or because the amount of your proposed procurement exceeds the PCard transaction cap. Even if you can use the PCard for the procurement, you may encounter delays when foreign banks flag the transaction for possible fraud or other reasons.

Can I ask MGIC to handle my international procurement needs? 

Yes, if the procurement is for an MGIC country office. If not, the short answer is "no," as the decision is made between UMB Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Services (SSAS) and International Operations, not by the unit or department requesting the procurement.


1. Please submit your international procurement requisition to SSAS following the usual procedure.

2. SSAS will reach out to International Operations regarding tapping the MGIC mechanism.

3. MGIC may only get involved under certain circumstances. As noted in the Considerations for Purchases using MGIC flowchart, those circumstances are:

  • If the client is UMB, and if goods or services will be delivered primarily outside the US, then the MGIC mechanism may be used.
  • If the action/transaction poses a threat of potential or actual liability of UMB or the State of Maryland outside the US, then the MGIC mechanism may be used to protect UMB from the liability.
  • If there are other major risks or costs that make it unwise for UMB to take an action, then MGIC may be used.

Examples of situations in which UMB may prefer that MGIC make a procurement of goods and services on UMB's behalf are:

  • Urgent situation - for rapid facilitation of an international procurement
  • Engaging foreign vendors for supply of goods or services outside the US

Note: If MGIC does make the procurement in lieu of UMB, MGIC will send your department or unit an invoice. You'll be instructed to make the payment to UMB, which in turn will transfer the funds to MGIC.

What should I include in the procurement package? What do I need to do? 

First, follow the steps outlined under "Can I ask MGIC to handle my international procurement needs?"

Once SSAS and IO have determined which mechanism will be used:

When is a competitive procurement required? 

Work with SSAS and IO to determine which mechanism will be used - UMB or MGIC.

  • For UMB procurement, competitive procurement is required for purchases of $25,000 and above.
  • For MGIC procurement, competitive procurement is required for purchases of $3,500 and above.

What are UMB's and MGIC's procurement dollar thresholds and limits? 

For UMB procurements, see the Quick Reference Guides for Purchases and Payments webpage or go directly to the UMB Procurement Dollar Thresholds and Limits Guide.

For MGIC procurements, see the MGIC Procurement Thresholds & Requirements.

Of note:

  • Procurement levels or thresholds apply to the total value of all the requirements for a specific procurement. Taxes, shipping and delivery costs, the value of any warranty, operating system software, and other associated costs must be included when calculating the total value of the procurement of goods.
  • Running out of time? UMB's procurement requirements still apply. (You already knew that!)

What if my contract or invoice is not in English? 

You are responsible for providing an English translation or explanation for any procurement document written in a foreign language.

For receipts, the translation/explanation should provide:

  • an identification of the type of expenditure (e.g., lodging, transportation)
  • a general description of the item(s) included on the receipt (e.g., taxi)
  • the name of the vendor and address
  • the date and time
  • the amount converted to US dollars

 Need help finding translation services? Contact us at globalhub@umaryland.edu for help.

If I've lost the receipt, can I still get reimbursed? 

Yes, probably.

First, try to obtain a duplicate receipt.

If unsuccessful, complete a Missing Receipt Certification Form. Attach proof of payment (required) and any other supporting documentation.

Financial Services will review the circumstances to determine whether the form is sufficient documentation to support the expense.