October 2022 Newsletter

UMB Decolonizing Global Health Summit 2021: Updates

The international UMB Decolonizing Global Health Summit held in 2021, sponsored by the Graduate School and Professors Carlos Faerron Guzmán and Virginia Rowthorn, has led to a number of scholarly outcomes for student and faculty participants.

The Summit led to a two-part supplement of the Annals of Global Health. Check out the most recent articles: “Reflections on ‘Decolonizing’ Big Data in Global Health” by School of Pharmacy faculty member, Dr. Danya M. Qato; and “A Call to Action Against Persistent Lack of Transparency in Vaccine Pricing Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” by University of Costa Rica faculty member Dr. Gabriela Arguedas-Ramírez.

In addition, Dhruv Shah, a School of Medicine student who participated in the summit and wrote an article that appeared in the supplement, recently presented his paper “The Impact of Neocolonialism on India’s COVID-19 Response” at the 45th annual Fulbright Conference.

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