Information and News

  • Secure Research Environment

    The SRE is a new University virtual environment designed to protect sensitive and restricted research data from misuse and unauthorized access.  UMB faculty researchers can focus on performing research while knowing the data is highly secured. Secure Research Environment

  • Introducing Microsoft Copilot!

    Microsoft Copilot  is now available to the UMB community.  To learn more, including instructions on accessing Copilot, click here

  • Where Should I Store My Files?

    Do you have questions about OneDrive vs Teams vs SharePoint and where you should store your files?  To answer your questions, please view the Microsoft 365 - Where Should I Store My Files? tutorial.

  • Webex Meetings Is Going Away!

    After July 2024, WebEx meetings will no longer be licensed at UMB.  However, Webex will continue to be licensed for Unified Calling. Click here to learn more.

  • TikTok and Other Apps that Collect User Data

    Click here to learn more.

  • Spear Phishing Alert

    Spear phishing is on the rise! It is a malicious tactic to gain personal information. 

    Click here to learn more about this very important topic.