
A UMB Mailing List is used to send messages to a group of email addresses. 

Once created, owners of UMB Mailing Lists have the ability to maintain their list through the UMB Mailing List interface. They can add or remove subscribers or configure the sending and receiving options of their list. 

The UMB Mailing List interface also will show users what lists they are subscribed to. 

Users can access the UMB Mailing List interface by logging in with their UMID and password.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the UMB Mailing Lists application?  

You can access your UMB Mailing List from the website.

What is my login for my UMB Mailing List? 

UMB Mailing Lists use UMID Authentication. Log in with your UMID and UMID password. On the site in the upper right corner, login via the button labeled

“UM Users – Login Here”

How do I send a message to a UMB Mailing List 

To send a message to your UMB Mailing list, send an email message to the following address <Name of the list>

For example, if the name of the list is ‘testlist’ you would send an email to  

NOTE: Some lists may be configured to only allow certain individuals to send emails to the mailing list. 

Is an owner of a list automatically subscribed to the list? 

No, the owner will need to add themselves to the subscribers list. Please see “How do I add an email address to a UMB Mailing List?”.

How do I add an email address to a UMB Mailing List? 

  1. Go to the website and log in with your UMID and password.
  2. If you manage more than one list, select the list under the “My Lists” area on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on the “Admin” link on the left side of the screen.
  4. Click on the “Manage subscribers” link.
  5. To add a single subscriber, enter the email address in the “Add a user” field. 
    NOTE: Select the "quiet" check box if you do not want an email notification sent to the user that they have been added to this list.
  6. Click on the "Add" button to add the email address to this list.

How do I add multiple subscribers to a UMB Mailing List? 

  1. Go to the website and log in with your UMID and password.
  2. If you manage more than one list, select the list under the “My Lists” area on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on the “Admin” link on the left side of the screen.
  4. Click on the “Manage subscribers” link.
  5. Scroll down to the “To add multiple users:” section and select “Multiple add”
  6. Enter the email addresses and names of the people you want to subscribe to the list. The data must be in the following format:

<Email address> <Subscriber Name>

<Email address2> <Subscriber Name2>

For example: Test User Second Test User

       7. After you have entered the list of subscribers, click on the 'Add subscribers' button.


NOTE: Select the “quiet” check box if you do not want an email notification sent to the users that they have been added to this list.

How do I remove an email address from a UMB Mailing List? 

  1. Go to the website and log in with your UMID and password.
  2. If you manage more than one list, select the list under the “My Lists” area on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on the “Admin” link on the left side of the screen.
  4. Click on the “Manage subscribers” link. 
  5. Identify users to unsubscribe by clicking on the boxes next to their email addresses.
    NOTE: To select all subscribers on the page, click on the "Toggle selection" button.
  6. If you do not want to notify the subscribers, select the "Quiet" box.
  7. Click on the "Delete selected email addresses" button, then select “Confirm” on the next page to remove the selected subscribers from the list.

How do I get a list of the subscribers in a UMB Mailing List? 

  1. Go to the website and log in with your UMID and password.
  2. If you manage more than one list, select the list under the “My Lists” area on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on the “Review Members” link on the left side of the page.

Subscribers are listed on the right side of the page.

By default, the system shows 25 entries at a time. You can increase this number using the “Page Size” drop-down menu on the far-right side of the page.

You also can reorder the list of subscribers by email address or name by clicking on the “Email” or “Name” column header.

How do I add an owner to a UMB Mailing List? 

  1. Go to the website and log in with your UMID and password.
  2. If you manage more than one list, select the list under the “My Lists” area on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on the “Admin” link on the left side of the screen
  4. Under the Admin option, click on the “List definition” link.
  5. Under Owner (owner) on the right side of the screen:
    • Enter the email address in the “email address” field.
    • Enter the owner’s name in the “name” field.
    • If you want the new owner to be able to add/remove owners, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the profile field and select “privileged”; otherwise, leave “normal."
  6.  Click on the "Update" button at the bottom of the page to add the new owner to this list.

      NOTE: Only a privileged owner can add an owner to a UMB Mailing List. Only one owner can be added at a time.