Community Partners

A intro about what Community Partnership are. The Office of Community Engagement manages the community partnerships. Take a look at our current community partnerships.

Principles of Community Partnerships:

  • Awareness
    • Conduct self-assessment of motivations, capacity, and goals.
    • Become knowledgeable about the community’s characteristics, conditions, values, and relationships with stakeholders.
  • Transparency
    • Be clear about the purposes or goals of the engagement effort and the populations and/or communities you want to engage.
    • Clearly communicate and share information that engages partners and builds and strengthens partnership.
    • Communicate commitment to inform, consult, involve, empower, and collaborate.
  • Integrity
    • Establish authentic relationships, build trust by adhering to ethical principles, and honor commitments.
    • Identify ways to know each partner, minimize partnership bureaucracy, and maximize partnership accountability.
  • Humility
    • Accept that the institution’s expertise and knowledge are limited and can be improved upon by community members.
    • Avoid assuming that an external entity can bestow on a community the power to act in its own self-interest.
  • Mutual Benefit
    • Pursue real improvements that benefit all partners engaged.
    • Build a shared sense of ownership and leadership of engagement process.
    • Identify ways to know each partner, minimize partnership bureaucracy, and maximize partnership accountability.
  • Competence
    • Recognize and respect the diversity of the community.
    • Effectively apply skills and knowledge in planning, design, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Sustainability
    • Identify and mobilize community assets and strengths.
    • Develop community capacity and resources to make decisions and take action.
  • Commitment
    • Remain engaged long-term.
  • Adaptability
    • Be prepared to release control of actions or interventions to community control.
    • Be flexible enough to meet changing conditions and needs in the community.

Becoming a Community Partner

Steps to becoming a community partner. 

Link to form


Our sponsorships and donations support projects or programs that align with the office’s mission and goals. These types of initiatives focus on health promotion, education, civic engagement, economic opportunity, youth development, public safety, and other community-identified issues. Special consideration will be given to requests that can complement the work of community partners.

The primary goals of our sponsorship program are to:

  • Support organizations that align with our mission and work on issues important to West Baltimore communities.
  • Support locally based nonprofit organizations and community groups that rely on community contributions and volunteers.
  • Sponsor events and enhance the awareness of UMB resources available to the community.
  • Support West Baltimore neighborhoods in becoming Maryland’s top performing communities in health and wellness indicators such as life expectancy, physical fitness, affordability, diversity, and safety.

Recent Community Sponsorships: 

  • Insert link and Name 
  • Insert link and Name
  • Insert link and Name

Request Volunteers

Description of this and process

Volunteer Opportunity Registration/ Request Form [link]

Impact and Progress


Annual Reports: 


Impact Reports:


Community Engagement Data Hub

Collaboratory [Link]


DataStory [Link]


Kumu [Link]


MySidewalk [Link]
