Bank Information

Contact SPAC Collections at if you have any other questions about Sponsored payment instructions.

Please note that UMB does not accept credit card payments for Sponsored Projects at this time.

General Information

DUNS No.: 188435911

Tax ID No.: 52-6002033

Internal Revenue Code: 501(c)(3)- 115(1)- 170-C

Commercial and Government Entity Code, or CAGE Code:  1B0S2

Make Check Payable to: University of Maryland, Baltimore

Lockbox Mailing Address (for Sponsored Projects only):
University of Maryland, Baltimore
P.O. Box 41428
Baltimore, MD 21203-6428
Please do not use the address  220 N. Arch Street, Baltimore, MD 21201

Payment Address for Expedited Checks

The address below should only be used for payments that require a signature upon delivery.

Lockbox Services Box # 41428
University of Maryland, Baltimore
MAC Y1372-045
2005 Market Street, 5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7042

W9 and ACH Forms and Other Information

A W9 Form can be requested by sending an email to, or use the below link to print a fully completed copy of the form: W-9--SPAC06042024.pdf ( PDF

All ACH forms should be sent to for completion. This will ensure that all bank/financial information is completed accurately.

All forms and new portal online registrations should be sent to  to complete and to provide accurate banking information.

All remittance advices received from sponsors should be sent to to aid in posting funds accurately to each project.

Checks Received in the Departments

If a payment by check is received in error by the department, the check should be deposited via the Cashier’s Office-  University Cashier - Student Financial Services (

Please reference the Award or Project number,  Invoice number and the PI on all payments submitted through the Cashier’s Office. If the payment is for a Clinical Trial award, please provide the protocol number (if known).