Effort Reporting

Effort Reporting is a process mandated by the federal government to verify that direct labor charges to, or cost shared on sponsored projects are accurate, timely, and reflect the actual level of work performed. Effort represents portions of time spent on a project expressed in percentages of total activity. 

The Office of Management and Budget Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards referred to as “UG” describes the requirements for certifying the effort of employees who are paid from sponsored projects (CFR §200.430).

It is important that the department effort coordinators, Principal Investigators, and other research personnel follow the University effort reporting procedures and guidelines to ensure timely approval.

All Effort Reports must be done in the Effort Reporting System. For the University of Maryland, Baltimore Effort Reporting policies please see the policies and procedure library

ERS Reminders Summary for Current and Delinquent Periods


Effort Reporting Periods 2024-2025


Reporting Period Start Date End Date Pay Periods Date Available Due Date
123125 09/21/2025 12/13/25 26-07 to 26-12 12/23/25 02/17/26
093025 07/01/25 09/20/25 26-01 to 26-06 09/30/25 11/25/25
063025 03/23/25 06/30/25 25-20 to 25-27 07/22/25 09/16/25
033125 12/29/24 03/22/25 25-14 to 25-19 04/01/25 05/27/24
123124 09/22/24 12/28/24 25-07 to 25-13 01/07/25 03/04/25
093024 07/01/24 09/21/24 25-01 to 25-06 10/01/24 11/26/24
063024 03/24/24 06/30/24 24-21 to 24-28 07/23/24 09/17/24
033124 12/17/23 03/23/24 24-14 to 24-20 04/02/24 05/28/24
123123 09/24/23 12/16/23 24-08 to 24-13 01/09/24 03/25/24


All Effort Reporting Periods 2015- 2025

Effort Reporting System Manuals

Follow these guides provided by the Effort Reporting System ERS:


Faculty Training

Staff Trainings

  • Individual training is currently available by request. Please contact effort@umaryland.edu to schedule personalized training with any Costing and Compliance team member. 
  • Effort Wednesdays: Every Wednesday has been set aside to meet you and address all your effort reporting needs. You may send us a calendar request with your needs prior to meeting.

Upcoming Trainings

  • More comprehensive training will be provided beginning next fiscal year, FY24. Correspondence will be sent via the RAC list serve when the training dates have been scheduled, and this page will be updated.

  • To join the RAC email distribution list, please contact Cindy Geppi at cgeppi@som.umaryland.edu.

Past Zoom Trainings:

ERS Cloud Reporting Upgrade Training and Demo – June 2021

ERS Cloud Training and Demo 06/21/24_Zoom Recording


Other Related Resources and Policies