United Healthcare Select

United Healthcare Select Choice EPO and Choice Plus PPO

In general, all options under each type of plan (PPO or EPO) cover the same services. However, the participating provider networks for each plan is different. All plans include vision services and supplies.

How the Plans Work

Once enrolled in a medical plan, employees receive identification cards in the mail to be used every time medical services are received. Depending on the type of medical plan chosen, the way medical services are received and how much they cost will vary. Employees should review the plans carefully and select the plan that best suits their needs. PPO and POS plans offer out-of-network benefits. EPO plans do not provide out-of-network benefits except for true emergencies.

UHC EPO and PPO Information

Coordination of Benefits

Coordination of benefits (COB) occurs when a person has health care coverage under more than one insurance plan. All plans require information from employees and retirees on other coverage that they or their dependents have from another health insurance carrier to determine which plan is primary.

When a Provider Terminates from the Plan Network

Providers may decide to terminate from a plan network at any time. A provider terminating from a plan is not considered a qualifying event that would allow coverage to be canceled or changed. Employees must wait until the next Open Enrollment period to make any changes to plans.

How to Contact

United Healthcare Choice EPO and Choice Plus PPO
1-800-553-7109 (TTY/TDD)