Cohort Programs

Cohort Programs

Building Bridges Across Maryland 
The Building Bridges Across Maryland (BBAM) program includes a cohort of individuals from various higher education institutions in the state of Maryland who attend seven sessions - one held at each participating institution.

The BBAM program begins with a kickoff session that brings participants together to learn what is expected to complete the program and to get to know each other. After the final session, participants are invited to attend a formal graduation where they receive a certificate of completion and a digital badge. 

Support Staff Cohorts

Cohorts begin early during the month of August. Topic sessions begin in September and continue through March. Topics are updated and changed based on cohort feedback each year, but generally include:

  • Managing Your Strengths
  • Managing Up
  • Radical Adaptability: 5 Keys to Personal Change
  • Online Practices of Self-Care and Behavior Change for Resilience
  • Presenting in a Virtual World
  • Becoming a Champion of Inclusion at All Levels of the Institution
  • Shifting Your Mindset When Serving Customers. 

Alumni Events

Program graduates may be invited back to continue their professional development, reconnect and meet members of other cohorts. Stay tuned for our next alumni event!

For more information, please contact Michele Hunt at

Career Essentials 
Career Essentials is designed for individual contributors looking to sharpen interpersonal skills and develop a solid foundation for their career.

The Career Essentials program offers a flex cohort model in which participants must complete five core courses (below) and five to six electives.  

Registration is now closed. To learn more, click this link.

Personal Assessment & Teamwork
February 13   9:00 am - 12:00 pm
In this first session participants will take the True Colors Assessment. Using the assessment results, participants will explore who they are. They will also use the information to explore their communication style and how they interact with team members. 
Understanding Your Organization & Culture
February 28    10:00 am - 12:00 pm
The goal of this course is to make you a better-informed University employee and help you develop a deeper understanding of UMB. Topics to be discussed include what does it mean to be part of the USM System, what are the sources of funding for the University, and what are the UMB Core Values and how are they demonstrated across campus.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills 
March 12     10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Participants will identify key principles of effective communication including overcoming barriers. They will learn how to use active listening skills and “I” statements to provide effective feedback. Individuals will create a personal development action plan to improve communication skills.
Customer Service Excellence
March 26    10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Participants will assess their current customer service skills; identify behaviors that demonstrate excellent customer service; and practice good customer service techniques. Participants will learn techniques for handling difficult customers using active listening and problem solving. Lastly, participants will develop a personal action plan to take the new skills back on the job.
Diversity In The Workplace
April 10     10:00 am – 12:00 pm
In this session participants will briefly explore diversity in the workplace. We’ll define diversity beyond race and gender. Participants will explore their own cultural identity and how that affects relationships with others. Participants will seek to become more aware of their own attitudes, perceptions, and feelings about various aspects of diversity. The session will end with each participant making a commitment to increase their understanding of diversity issues.

Please contact Michele Hunt at with questions.

Emerging Leaders 
Participants of this program will examine leadership within the context of UMB culture through interactions and learning experiences with members of UMB's senior leadership.

The Emerging Leaders program meets once a month throughout the academic year with additional opportunities to expand and enhance your professional network.  

For more information, see the Emerging Leaders webpage or contact

Management Essentials 
Managers will develop and apply skills fundamental to success as a leader. While this training program is geared towards managers and supervisors, this training is open to all employees who have begun their leadership journey toward formal management roles.

Management Essentials is a modular instructor-led program designed to empower individuals on their leadership journey.  The initial module, Interpersonal Communications, serves as the prerequisite for the other modules.  The other modules include Effective Delegation, Productive Conflict, Performance Feedback, Cultural Proficiency, and Successful Teams. 

Managers will develop and apply skills fundamental to success as a leader. While this training program is geared towards managers and supervisors, this training is open to all employees who have begun their leadership journey toward formal management roles. We offer this twice per year, in the Spring and Fall. Once you have completed the initial prerequisite, you can take the modules in any order.  We are currently offering the first module in person and the remaining modules as virtual instructor-led training (vILT).
In advance of the program, participants will be asked to complete the TRACOM Social Style and Versatility assessment.  Click on this link to learn more about TRACOM’s assessment. The assessment involves a self-assessment as well as a multi-rater assessment. Each participant will invite five colleagues to complete the multi-rater assessment. This multi-rater approach allows participants to see how others perceive their ability to communicate with those of a different style. Each Tracom Assessment costs $195. Our academic price is $100 per assessment. If a staff person takes the assessment and does not identify raters, does not respond to coordinator, emails and does not attend the training their department would be charged back half the cost, $50.

Once a person has registered, their supervisor will receive a communication explaining the overall program, objectives, and time commitment. In addition, each supervisor will receive an end of program evaluation. The evaluation will ask for feedback on the transfer of knowledge and changes in behavior that the supervisor has observed.

Registration is now closed in Percipio. Use this link


Date Session Time
Thursday, March 21 Interpersonal Communication 9 am - 1 pm 
Thursday, April 4 Effective Delegation  10 am - 12 pm
Thursday, April 18 Performance Feedback 10 am - 12 pm
Thursday, May 2 Productive Conflict 10 am - 12 pm
Thursday, May 16 Cultural Proficiency 10 am - 12 pm
Thursday, May 30 Successful Teams 10 am - 12 pm

Please contact Michele Hunt at with questions.