Education and Training
In partnership with the JHU ICTR, the UMB ICTR offers a blend of formal Clinical Translational Research Training and Career Development Scholarship awards, as well as ICTR Enrichment Seminar Series and ICTR-supported Lectures. This environment encourages an interdisciplinary approach and maximizes the probability of successful careers in clinical and pre-clinical translational research that will advance and generate new knowledge to improve human health.
Did You Know?...
True or False? Once I have IRB approval, I can access University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) patient information for my research.
Answer: False. IRB approval does not grant access to patient information. IRB approval refers to the determination by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that a research study has been reviewed and may be conducted at an institution. Access to patient information must be granted by UMMS. Per the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA,) UMMS is required to track all instances where patient information was accessed for research purposes. To access UMMS patient information, a request must be submitted to the UMMS Research Informatics Core (RIC) through the ICTR Resource Request system. The IRB determination letter will be required before the RIC team will grant access via chart review or release data files for the purposes of research, including screening for eligibility. The RIC team may determine that there are other requirements, such as a Data Use Agreement (DUA).
More resources and information to be added soon!
UMB ICTR/CTSA Training and Education
Other Training & Learning Opportunities

NIH Tips on Grant Writing and Developing a Strong Application
GRANTS & Funding
NIH Central Resource for Grants and Funding Information