Student Enrollment

Summer 2024 UMB enrollment is 2,275, a decrease of 42 or 1.8% from summer 2023 enrollment of 2,317. Compared to last 
summer, increased enrollments occur in the Master of Social Work program, Graduate School Physician Assistant master’s program, and Graduate School doctoral programs in medicine and pharmacy. Decreases occur in master’s programs in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics and Palliative Care, the Master of Science in Nursing program, and professional doctoral programs in Evening Law and Nursing Practice.

Spring 2024 UMB enrollment is 6,441, a decrease of 280 or 4.2% from spring 2023 enrollment of 6,721. Compared to last spring, increased enrollments occur in the Graduate School Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership master’s program, the Physician Assistant master’s program, and Graduate School doctoral programs in pharmacy. Decreases occur in master’s programs in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics and Palliative Care. Enrollments also decreased in the Master of Social Work program, the Master of Science in Nursing program, and professional doctoral programs in Nursing Practice and Pharmacy.

The spring 2024 enrollment file includes 19 intercampus (visiting) students, Level Code IC, not included in enrollment data reported for the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Winter 2024 headcount enrollment was 24, which was 33 percent more than the winter 2023 term enrollment of 18. Enrollment consisted of coursework for students in the professional PharmD program.

Summer 2023 enrollment at UMB is 2,317, a decrease of 3.9% from summer 2022 enrollment of 2,410. Compared to last summer, increased enrollments occur in the Physician Assistant and other self-supporting master’s programs in the Graduate School, and the evening Law program. Decreases occur in Graduate 
School master’s programs affiliated with the School of Pharmacy and online master’s programs in the Carey School of Law. Enrollments also decreased in undergraduate and professional doctoral programs in nursing.

The summer 2023 enrollment file includes 2 intercampus (visiting) students, Level Code IC, not included in enrollment data reported for the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Spring 2023 enrollment is 6,721, a decrease of 296 or 4.2% from spring 2022 enrollment of 7,017. Compared to last spring, increased enrollments occur in undergraduate Nursing and Master of Public Health programs. Decreases occur in master’s programs in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics, Palliative Care, and Homeland Security and Crisis Management Law. Enrollments also decreased in the Pharmacy professional doctoral program, and certificate programs in the Graduate School.

Spring 2023 continues the transition of the master’s level nursing program from the Master of Science (MS) to the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree. The spring 2023 enrollment file includes 24 intercampus (visiting) students, Level Code IC, not included in enrollment data reported for the University of Maryland, Baltimore.