IPE Faculty Awards

Faculty Awards in Support of Interprofessional Education (IPE) encourage and build a community of faculty members across the schools of the University of Maryland, Baltimore and throughout the University System of Maryland who have interest and expertise in interprofessional education. This includes, potentially, national and international IPE activities.

For priority consideration, submit an application by the last Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Faculty Award Application


Faculty Awards may be used for a variety of endeavors that can include, but are not limited to:

  • Travel to other institutions to study IPE.
  • Regional and national meetings focused on IPE, including poster and podium presentations.
  • Educational products focused on IPE.
  • Other faculty development activities that are inclusive of UMB students working together from two or more schools.

The funds must be used within a one-year window and any individual is limited to one award per year. Faculty Awards may provide a one-time salary enhancement stipend, if allowed by the UMB School, and appropriate for the proposed activity.

Award Management

All UMB faculty members are eligible to apply for a Faculty Award of up to $2,000 annually. Other faculty from the University System of Maryland require a partner from the UMB faculty and are eligible for up to a $1,000 award.

A two-page proposal, including a budget, should be submitted via email to the Center for Interprofessional Education. Please include a title for the award, along with a description of the proposed activity and its potential to further IPE at UMB.

If you plan to use standardized patients through the Standardized Patient Program, please contact the Director, Nancy Culpepper, for additional information visit the website at https://www.nursing.umaryland.edu/academics/simulation-learning-labs/spp/.

Direct application submissions to Carise Baldwin via email at with Faculty Award Application in the subject line. Reach out to Carise at cbaldwin@rx.umaryland.edu.


2023-2024 Faculty Award Recipients

January 2024

Faculty Award: Establishment of Special Care and Geriatrics Dental Clinic as a Clinical Field Rotation Site for Social Work Students

Sydnee Chavis, DMD, MS (SOD)

Madge Henderson, LCSW-C (SSW)

Laura Loessner, LICSW (SSW)

2022-2023 Faculty Award Recipients

May 2023

Faculty Award: MIT Transatlantic Symposium on Sustainable Development

Karin G. Russ, JD, MS, RN (SON)

William Piermattei, Esq. (SOL)

March 2023

Faculty Award: Collaboration for improvement of oral healthcare for children and adolescents with special needs- continuation of the collaboration

Sydnee Chavis, DMD, MS (SOD)

Sarah Dababnah, PhD, MPH, MSW (SSW)

2021-2022 Faculty Award Recipients

March 2022

Faculty Award Title: Interprofessional Collaboration for transition of healthcare for young adults with intellectual disabilities

Sydnee Chavis, DMD (SOD)

Sarah Gold, JD (SOL)

Vicki Tepper, PhD (SOM)

2020-2021 Faculty Award Recipients

July 2021

Faculty Award Title: Language, Power, and Identity: the Baltimore Writing Center Project and Interprofessional
Education Through the Learning and Teaching of Writing

James E. Wright, MFA (Graduate School)

Elaine MacDougall, MA (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

March 2021

Faculty Award Title: Faculty development course focused on IPE

Melissa Motta, MD, MPH (SOM) 


January 2021

Faculty Award Title: Telehealth management for patients with special needs during a global pandemic

Sydnee Chavis, DMD (SOD)

Sarah Dababnah, PhD, MPH, MSW (SSW)

Faculty Development Award Title: Interprofessional Online Team-based Learning (TBL) “Train the Instructor” Workshop

Violet Kulo, EdD, MS, MA (Graduate School)

Christina Cestone, PhD, MA (Graduate School)

Hyun-Jin Jun, PhD, MSW (Graduate School)



July 2020

Faculty Award Title: Development of an interprofessional massive open online course on primary palliative care skills

Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, MA, MDE, BCPS (SOP)

Vincent Jay Vanston, MD, FAAHPM (University of Pennsylvania, Perelman SOM)

Jaime Russo, MSW, LCSW, ACHP-SW (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Doctoral Candidate)

Katrina Scott, MDiv, RBCC-PCHAC (Massachusetts General Hospital Oncology Chaplain)


2019-2020 Faculty Award Recipients

January 2020

Faculty Award Title: National Academies of Practice 2020 Annual Meeting Participation


November 2019

Faculty Award Title: Dissemination of outcomes from a team-based IPE workshop to teach evidence-based strategies: A continuation of the Interdisciplinary Education Awareness project for maternal opioid use disorder

Doris Titus-Glover, PhD, RN (SON)

Faculty Award Title: Increasing Critical Care Reflection in Interprofessional Education

Cynthia J. Boyle, PharmD, FAPhA, FNAP, FASCP (SOP)

Linda B. Horn, PT, DScPT, MHS (SOM)

Susan M. Antol, PhD, MS, RN (SON)

Faculty Award Title: Development of an Interprofessional Escape Room to Enhance Medication Safety

Tonya Schneidereith, PhD, CRNP, PPCNP-BC, CNE, CHSE-A (SON/PPEP)

Ashley Mattingly, PharmD, BCPS (SOP)

Jana Goodwin, PhD, RN CNE (SON)

Samantha Hoffman, MS, CRNP, CPNP-PC (SON)

Faculty Award Title: Interprofessional Education for Management of Patients with Special Needs

Sydnee Chavis, DMD (SOD)

Sarah Dababnah, PhD, MPH, MSW (SSW)

 September 2019

Faculty Award Title: Dissemination of Findings from a Training to Improve Advance Care Planning Communication Skills among Interprofessional Students

John G. Cagle, MSW, PhD (Social Work)

Todd Becker, LMSW, Student, School of Social Work

Faculty Award Title: Nursing, Medicine and Pharmacy Students - UMB Health Alliance – and Interprofessional Education Program providing student-run free multidisciplinary services for West Baltimore neighbors at UMB Community Engagement Center

Lori A. Edwards, DrPH, MPH, BSN, RN (Nursing)

Tricia Tyson, Student, School of Medicine, UMB Health Alliance Research Committee

Claire Morton, Student, School of Medicine, UMB Health Alliance, Co-President

Clynton Musngi, Student, School of Pharmacy, UMB Health Alliance, Co-President

Faculty Award Title: Narrative Medicine Seminar Series University of Maryland School of Medicine

Raya Elfadel Kheirbek, MD, MPH (Medicine)

John Cagle, PhD, MSW (Social Work)

Marguerite Russo, PhD, CRNP-F, ACHPN (Nursing)



July 2019

Faculty Award Title: Spanish Language and Culture Seminar

Sandeep Devabhakthuni, PharmD, BCPS - AQ Cardiology, BCCP (Pharmacy)

Christopher Medlin,PharmD (Pharmacy)

Erin VanMeter, PharmD, BCACP (Pharmacy)

Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, FAPhA (Pharmacy)

Faculty Award Title: International Conference Presentation at Collaboration Across Boarders 2019: Presenting Symposium

Karen Clark, PhD, BSN RN (Nursing)

Patricia Westerman, Ph.D., Towson University

Diane L. Alonso, Ph.D.,  UMBC Psychology at the Universities at Shady Grove

Elizabeth K. Brunn, M.S. Ed., J.D., University of Maryland University College

Ann Hoffman, DNP, RN, CPN, CNE, UMB Universities at Shady Grove School of Nursing

Mary Lang, MBA, Office of Executive Director Chief Strategy Officer, Universities at Shady Grove

Faculty Award Title: Providing Better Patient Care through Better Communication

Deborah S. Rodriguez, (Dentistry)

May 2019

Faculty Award Title: Implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship in Outpatient Dental Practices at the University of Maryland, Baltimore

Emily Heil, PharmD, BCIDP (Pharmacy)

2017-2018 Faculty Award Recipients

November 2018

Faculty Award Title: Pharmacologic Intervention and Collaboration in the Special Care and Geriatrics Clinic

Syndee Chavis, DMD (Dentistry)

Sustaining Interprofessional Geriatrics Care in the Aging in Place Program in West Baltimore

Nicole Brandt, PharmD, MBA, BCGP, BCPP, FASCP (Pharmacy)

Daniel Mansour, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP (Pharmacy)

September 2018

Faculty Award Title: Train-the-Trainer (T3) Interprofessional Team Development Program

Gina Rowe, PhD, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC, PHCNS-BC, CNE (Nursing)

Syndee Chavis, DMD (Dentistry)

Jana Goodwin, PhD, RN, CNE (Nursing)

Erin Van Meter, PharmD, BCACP (Pharmacy)

July 2018

Faculty Award Title: Medicine and Dentistry - Bridging the Gap Between the Oral Cavity and the Body: Developing a Model and Curriculum for an Interdisciplinary Student-Based Clinic to Provide Collaborative Care for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer within the Special Care and Geriatrics Clinic

Sydnee Chavis, DMD (Dentistry)

May 2018

Faculty Award Title: Presentation at the Council of Social Work Education - Navigating Barriers to IPE from Above and Below in Large University Systems

Toby Treem Guerin, JD (Law)

March 2018

Faculty Award Title: Attendance at Nexus Summit 2018

Jeffrey Gonzales, PharmD, FCCM, BCPS, BCCP (Pharmacy)

Faculty Award Title: Interprofessional Education and Care for Patients with Periodontal and Systemic Diseases

Se-Lim Oh, DMD, MS (Dentistry)

Bridgitte Gourley, DNP, CRNP (Nursing)

Cynthia Idzik-Starr, DDS (Dentistry)

January 2018

Faculty Award Title: IPE Event: Empowering Students to End the Cycle of Opioid Addiction

Mellissa Sager, JD (Law)

Kathleen Hoke, JD (Law)


November 2017

Faculty Award Title: Medicine and Dentistry – Bridging the Gap Between the Oral Cavity and the Body

Sydnee Chavis, DMD (Dentistry)

Nina Trocky, DNP, CNE, NE-BC (Nursing)

September 2017

Faculty Award Title: An Interprofessional Educational Module: HbA1C Tests at Dental Clinics

Se-Lim Oh, DMD, MS (Dentistry)

Isabel Rambob, DDS (Dentistry)

Bridgitte Gourley, DNP, CRNP (Nursing)

July 2017

Faculty Award Title: IPE Student Event: Empowering Students to End the Cycle of Opioid Addiction

Michelle Tuten, PhD, MSW (Social Work)

May 2017

Faculty Award Title: Presentation at Collaboration Across Borders VI

Karen Clark, PhD, RN, CCRN (Nursing-USG)

Faculty Award Title: Legislation and Policy: An innovative Approach to IPE

Toby Guerin, JD (Law)

Marg Hammersla, PhD, CRNP-A (Nursing)

Corey Shdaimah, LL.M, PhD (Social Work)

March 2017

Faculty Award Title: The Debriefing Hour: Creating Space within Interprofessional Education to Facilitate and Process Learning

Leila Islam, PhD, LCP (Medicine)

January 2017

Faculty Award Title: IPE Student Event – Empowering Students to End the Cycle of Opioid Addiction

Mary Jo Bondy, DHEd, MHS, PA-C (Graduate)