
Proposal Approvers

KR Approver Procedure

Log in to Kuali Research

From your Action List, or by clicking on the link in the notification email, open the proposal to the Summary/Submit section.

If you are the next approver, the menu bar at the bottom of the screen will include "Approve" and "Return". Click Approve to move the proposal forward to the next approver. If revisions are needed, click Return and enter a reason for return. Click the Route Log link to view the routing stops (past, pending, and future).

Proposal Development

Training demonstrations focus on proposal data entry, uploading documents, budget creation, data validation, and proposal submission. Training is required for new users who need Department Pre-Award roles. It is optional for other roles.

Training will be presented via Zoom. Register here for the next Kuali Research Proposal Training class.

Upcoming training dates (subject to change until registration opens):

  • Thursday, April 10, 9:00-11:00 am
  • Tuesday, May 6, 9:00-11:00 am
  • Tuesday, June 10, 1:30-3:30 pm
Kuali Build

Training is not required to access or use Kuali Build apps (forms).  Any training or information sessions will be announced here and via the RAC listserv.

Subaward Request Training will be held approximately quarterly.
Subaward Request instructions