Proposal Types

Choose the correct Proposal Type from the dropdown box:

  • New: An application that is submitted for funding for the first time.
  • Continuation: An application for a subsequent budget period within a previously approved project and which is not in competition with other applications.
  • Pre-proposal: When required by a sponsor, the application is a short description of a proposed project that does not involve a binding commitment of university resources. The sponsor will not make an award based on the pre-proposal, but on a subsequent full proposal.
  • Renewal (Competing Continuation): Previous years of funding for the project have elapsed. This proposal is competing for additional funding to continue the project.
  • Resubmission: Application previously submitted and reviewed by sponsor but not funded. The application being submitted for reconsideration addresses reviewer feedback.
  • Revision/Supplement: An application that proposes supplemental funds for an existing award.
  • Changed/Corrected: An application was submitted for this deadline and is being re-submitted to correct warnings or errors. Choose the correct Proposal Type that has the words Changed/Corrected as part of the item description. Used for system-to-system (S2S, proposals.
  • Task Order: A master agreement exists and the proposal is for a new project that will be funded under the master agreement.
  • Budget/SOW Update: The proposal is being routed to seek approval for an update to the budget and/or scope of work.
  • Change in PI/Department: The proposal is being routed to seek approval for a change in PI and/or change of department (lead unit) for an existing award.
List of choices in Kuali Research:
  • Budget-SOW Update
  • Change in PI/Dept
  • Renewal
  • Continuation
  • New
  • New - Change/Corrected
  • New-Transfer
  • Pre Proposal
  • Renewal-Changed/Corrected
  • Resubmission
  • Resubmission-Changed/Corrected
  • Revision
  • Supplement-Changed/Corrected
  • Task Order