Program Application

You must agree to UMB's terms and conditions below before you can access the Baltimore City LNYW application.

Do not begin this application unless you have completed homeownership counseling and an offer has been accepted on the home. It is recommended that you print out this webpage for your records. 

Mission and Scope of the Program

The Live Near Your Work Program (LNYW) is an initiative between UMB and key community partners that focuses on neighborhood revitalization and economic recovery efforts in West Baltimore. LNYW benefits UMB employees by providing eligible homebuyers with financial assistance for down payments and settlement expenses to promote home ownership in targeted West Baltimore neighborhoods, including of homes requiring major renovations, while also demonstrating UMB’s commitment to the community.

UMB will provide $16,000 per eligible participant. In addition, participants will be eligible to receive a matching grant of up to $2,500 from the Baltimore City Live Near Your Work Program.

LNYW Eligibility Requirements and Parameters

Grants made on or after Jan. 29, 2018, are provided as follows:

  • The homebuyer must be a regular full-time or part-time (50 percent FTE or more) faculty or staff employee of UMB who is in good standing. In addition, the homebuyer must:
    • Be purchasing a home within the program’s targeted West Baltimore neighborhoods of Franklin Square, Union Square, Mount Claire, Poppleton, Hollins Market, Pigtown/Washington Village, Barre Circle, Druid Heights/Upton, and Harlem Park.
    • Complete a home ownership counseling program provided by a HUD-certified housing counselor before signing a contract to purchase a home.
    • Provide documentation showing mortgage pre-approval from a reputable mortgage lender.
    • Contribute at least $1,000 toward the down payment on the purchase of the home.
  • One LNYW grant per household/address.
  • The LNYW grant is considered a taxable benefit. To ease the burden of this for filing purposes, the tax burden is spread out over the course of five years. After the grant is disbursed when the employee closes on their home purchase, the employee will be responsible for paying the income tax for the grant over a five year period, starting on January 1st of the following calendar year. The annual amount to be taxed is $3,200. The tax impact to the employee’s take-home pay will depend on a number of factors.
  • An application to the LNYW Program does not guarantee that a grant will be provided.
  • Final approval and disbursement of funds is contingent upon the homebuyer submitting all required documentation in a timely manner to all applicable entities. 
  • False statements or material omissions made by an employee on, or in connection with, an application for a LNYW grant may result in denial of the grant, early repayment of any grant funds received by the employee, and disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  • LNYW grant applications will be processed for only one property at a time. If a settlement fails, the homebuyer must submit a new application to UMB to restart the process for a different property address.
  • The home purchased using a LNYW grant must be the primary residence of the homebuyer and remain the primary residence of the homebuyer for five years from the date of settlement. If the home is sold or is not the homebuyer’s primary residence during a period of five (5) years after the settlement date, the homebuyer shall be required to repay all or a portion of the LNYW grant monies that he or she received, pursuant to the following terms:
    • If the home is sold or ceases to be the homebuyer’s primary residence within one (1) year from the settlement date, the homebuyer must repay 100 percent of the amount of the LNYW grant.
    • If the home is sold or ceases to be the homebuyer’s primary residence on/after the first anniversary but before the second anniversary of the settlement date, the homebuyer must repay 80 percent of the amount of the LNYW grant.
    • If the home is sold or ceases to be the homebuyer’s primary residence on/after the second anniversary but before the third anniversary of the settlement date, the homebuyer must repay 60 percent of the amount of the LNYW grant.
    • If the home is sold or ceases to be the homebuyer’s primary residence on/after the third anniversary but before the fourth anniversary of the settlement date, the homebuyer must repay 40 percent of the amount of the LNYW grant.
    • If the home is sold or ceases to be the homebuyer’s primary residence on/after the fourth anniversary but before the fifth anniversary of the settlement date, the homebuyer must repay 20 percent of the amount of the LNYW grant.
  • LNYW grants are subject to availability of program funds.

I agree and certify as follows:

  • I meet all of the eligibility criteria listed above for receipt of a LNYW grant;
  • I am 18 years of age or older and a regular full-time or part-time (50 percent FTE or more) faculty or staff employee of the University of Maryland, Baltimore in good standing;
  • I completed a home ownership counseling program provided by a HUD-certified housing counselor and obtained a housing counseling certificate as proof of my completion of the program;
  • I have a contract of sale to purchase a home located in a LNYW Program target neighborhood;
  • I will contribute at least $1,000 toward the down payment and/or closing costs at settlement;
  • I will hold title to this residence;
  • I will reside in the home purchased as my primary residence for a period of five years; and
  • I will abide by all eligibility requirements and parameters of the LNYW Program; and
  • After confirming eligibility for the grant by Human Resources, I will sign a copy of the UMB LNYW Acknowledgment
Fill out my online form.

Having Trouble Registering?

Click here for the users' guide.