Announcements and Events

Conflict Works

Join our Five-Year Anniversary 'Conflict Works' celebration

Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. University of Maryland Baltimore. Five Finger colorful hand.


As ironic as it may sound, conflict can work for everyone. The Workplace Mediation Service is offering activities, including events, to help conflict work better for you. These activities are part of our five-year anniversary ‘Conflict Works’ celebration.


If you need accommodations for any event, please email The Percipio links below are for UMB employees. UMB students and the public may email us at for assistance with registering.

Discovery Chats

Discovery Chats are informal conversations where you can learn as much or more than you share. Come ready to give and receive. We offer three Discovery Chat topics. Join as many as chats you’d like.

March 12


Discovery Chat Descriptions

Conflict: The mediation service recognizes that there is a relationship between our mindset about conflict and how we engage in conflict. If that’s true and we want conflict to work for us then why not adjust our mindset? In this Discovery Chat we will explore our mindset about conflict and decide whether we want to change it.

Open Communication at Work: UMB employees are encouraged to be a catalyst for our Core Values of Respect and Integrity by promoting “open communication: Be honest and transparent with others, speak with sincerity and act with compassion, and learn and practice good listening skills.” Decide for yourself whether open communication is really possible at work and explore how you can promote more open communication at UMB.

Listening: How well do you listen in the workplace? What impacts your ability to listen better? Join this Discovery Chat to explore listening from each attendee's perspective, including yours, and explore how you can listen better while working.

Meet our Mediators

Meet our mediators one-by-one on our Mediator Spotlights page

Resource Sharing

Everyone, at every age, and in every position can improve their conflict mindset, communication skills, and navigate conflict better. Here are links to a few resources to help you get started and get the most out of conflict.

Conflict Works resources

Listening: It's Worth It resources


Prior Events

  • Discovery Chat on Conflict: February 20
  • Discovery Chat on Open Communication at Work: February 20
  • Discovery Chat on Listening: February 20
  • Flex Your Response Skills: Scenario Practicing Workshop: December 18
  • Discovery Chat on Conflict: December 4
  • Discovery Chat on Open Communication at Work: December 4
  • Discovery Chat on Listening: December 4
  • Flex Your Response Skills: Scenario Practicing: November 27
  • Conflict Resolution Month: October (See the post below for Conflict Resolution Month details.)
  • Flex Your Listening Skills: Active Listening: February 26
  • Flex Your Response Skills: Scenario Practicing: February 27


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

February 24, 2025


Conflict Works

Join us for October 2024 Conflict Resolution Month Events

Purple header text: Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. Bottom: purple, red, and blue overlapping ribbons with UMB logo: yellow, white, and red building and white text of University of Maryland.


As ironic as it may seem, conflict can work for everyone and in everyday situations. And although conflict works year-round, the Workplace Mediation Service is giving it extra recognition in October for Conflict Resolution Month. Join us if you want conflict to work for you.

This October we are hosting a variety of events and sharing resources centered around the theme ‘Conflict Works’. You will have the chance to participate in interactive events to equip you with practical communication and conflict management skills and to help you better understand mediation and how you can benefit from it. 

There are virtual and in-person events. If you need accommodations for any event, please email with requests at least two weeks prior to the event date.

Registration is required for some events.

Discovery Chats on Open Communication at Work and Listening

Oct. 9, 10:30AM-11:30AM (Open Communication), 3PM-4PM (Listening)

Oct. 17, 10:30AM-11:30AM (Listening), 2PM-3PM (Open Communication) 


Lend your voice to these Discovery Chats.

Open Communication at Work: UMB employees are encouraged to be a catalyst for our Core Values of Respect and Integrity by promoting “open communication: Be honest and transparent with others, speak with sincerity and act with compassion, and learn and practice good listening skills.” Decide for yourself whether open communication is really possible at work and explore how you can promote more open communication at UMB.

Listening: How well do you listen in the workplace? What impacts your ability to listen better? Join this Discovery Chat to explore listening from each attendee's perspective, including yours, and explore how you can listen better while working.

Discovery Chats are for UMB employees.

Conflict Yodas: Leaders Empowering Others to Free Themselves of Conflict

Oct. 21, 12PM-1PM

When we experience conflict in groups, whether at school or work, we need leaders who are Conflict Yodas. Leaders have a high impact on the conflict culture within their group and can help steer the impacted individuals towards addressing and benefitting from the conflict. In this workshop we’ll cover neutral conflict, what we notice about people and conflict, and the role of leaders and Conflict Yodas.

This is a workshop for UMB students.  

Flex Your Response Skills: Scenario Practicing 

Oct. 25, 2:30PM-4PM


Want better responses or more understanding in your conversations? Join us for a time of trial and error. Bring a scenario and leave with an improved way to communicate about it. Following a short presentation on tips for conversations you’ll get to practice your scenario with other attendees. 

Meet our Mediators

Meet our mediators one-by-one on our Mediator Spotlights page

Conflict Works Resources

Everyone, at every age, and in every position can improve their conflict mindset, communication skills, and navigate conflict better. Here are a few resources to help you get started and get the most out of conflict and our events this month.

Letting Conflict Work

Conflict Mindset

Conflict at Work


Conflict Approach

Other's activities and events in October 

  • UMB Core Values
    • Through October, Core Values Conversation: A Focus on Respect and Integrity. Submit your response to "What is one example of someone at UMB treating you with respect and/or integrity and how did you feel as a result?" 
    • Core Values Acknowledgment and Feedback. A space to give a shout out to the people/departments/activities around UMB that exemplify the core values as well as a way of sharing where there is room for growth.
  • Center for Dispute Resolution at Maryland Carey Law - October 24, Dispute Resolution Externship Panel. For UMB students. Details
  • UMB Employee Learning and Development- October 24, Productive Conflict. Target audience is UMB supervisors, open to other employees. 
  • Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office - Annual Conflict Resolution Day Bookmark Art Contest


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

October 15, 2024

True or False? My listening skills are always top notch.

Join the discussion at a Discovery Chat on Listening.

Purple header text: Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. Bottom: purple, red, and blue overlapping ribbons with UMB logo: yellow, white, and red building and white text of University of Maryland.

Discovery Chats on Listening

Listening is one of the biggest keys to effective communication (and part of UMB’s core value of respect and integrity), yet few of us are taught how to listen well. Join Workplace Mediation Service staff and others at UMB to explore listening from each attendee's perspective, including yours, and discover how you can listen better.

Discovery Chats are informal conversations where you can learn as much or more than you share. Come ready to give and receive. Join as many chats as you’d like.

Register in advance 

Discovery Chats on Listening

  • April 29, 10AM-11AM or 3PM-4PM, virtual
  • May 2, 10AM-11AM or 3PM-4PM, virtual
  • June 13, 10AM-11AM or 3PM-4PM, virtual

Get a head start by checking out some of the Listening Assessments and Resources from our October 2023 Conflict Resolution Month post. 


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

April 2024

True or False? My listening skills are always top notch.

Join the discussion at a Discovery Chat on Listening.

Purple header text: Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. Bottom: purple, red, and blue overlapping ribbons with UMB logo: yellow, white, and red building and white text of University of Maryland.

Discovery Chats on Listening

Listening is one of the biggest keys to effective communication (and part of UMB’s core value of respect and integrity), yet few of us are taught how to listen well. Join Workplace Mediation Service staff and others at UMB to explore listening from each attendee's perspective, including yours, and discover how you can listen better.

Discovery Chats are informal conversations where you can learn as much or more than you share. Come ready to give and receive. Join as many as chats you’d like.


Discovery Chats on Listening

  • Jan. 22, 10AM-11AM, virtual
  • Jan. 24, 3PM-4PM, virtual (Date changed from Jan. 23)
  • Feb. 5, 10AM-11AM, virtual
  • Feb. 5, 3PM-4PM, virtual


Get a head start by checking out some of the Listening Assessments and Resources from our October 2023 Conflict Resolution Month post. 


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

January 2024

Listening: It's Worth It

Join us for October 2023 Conflict Resolution Month Events

Purple header text: Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. Bottom: purple, red, and blue overlapping ribbons with UMB logo: yellow, white, and red building and white text of University of Maryland.


October is Conflict Resolution Month and WMS celebrates it with several events. This year we’re focusing on the value and practice of Listening: It's Worth It.

Want to take your listening skills to the next level? Join us to focus on listening awareness, improvement, and self-assessment. We have something for everyone.

There are virtual and in-person events. If you need accommodations for any event, please email with requests at least two weeks prior to the event date.

Tabling at the University Farmers Market

Oct. 3 and other Tuesdays, starting at 10 AM

In-person, University Park Plaza, on the corner of Paca Street and Baltimore Street

Look for us at the University Farmers Market. Stop by our table to take a listening skills test, chat, and pick up some helpful info.

Training on Active Listening and Brainstorming

Oct. 12, 11AM-12:30PM


This is a training event for WMS apprentices and roster members.  

Discovery Chats on Listening

Oct. 16, 9AM-10AM, 10:30AM-11:30AM

Oct. 26, 11AM-12PM, 1:30PM-2:30PM

Virtual, Register

How well do you listen in the workplace? What impacts your ability to listen better? Join a Discovery Chat to explore listening from each attendee's perspective, including yours, and explore how you can listen better while working.

Flex Your Listening Skills: Active Listening Discussion and Primer

Oct. 30, 11AM-12:30PM

In-person, Register                    

Listening is one of the biggest keys to effective communication (and part of UMB’s core value of respect and integrity), yet few of us are taught how to listen well. Join the Workplace Mediation Service as we close out conflict resolution month with a discussion and primer on active listening.

Listening Assessments and Resources

Everyone, at every age, and in every position can improve their listening skills. Here are a few resources to help you get started and get the most out of our events this month.

Assessments (Try one or all of them.)


Articles and other texts


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

October 1, 2023

Request a Discovery Chat for your group

WMS is accepting requests for Discovery Chats through August 2023. 

Purple header text: Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. Bottom: purple, red, and blue overlapping ribbons with UMB logo: yellow, white, and red building and white text of University of Maryland.

Requests are being accepted through August 2023 for Discovery Chats on open communication in the workplace. 

Submit a request for your group to be led in a discussion by WMS staff about open communication in the workplace. The definition of the group is up to you as long as it is a group of UMB employees or students. 

The UMB community is encouraged to be a catalyst for our core value of Respect and Integrity by promoting “open communication: Be honest and transparent with others, speak with sincerity and act with compassion, and learn and practice good listening skills.”

Have a Discovery Chat and decide for yourself whether open communication is really possible at work and explore how you can promote more open communication at UMB.

Submit a request

We look forward to seeing you at Discovery Chat. 

Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

June 30, 2023

True or False? Open communication has a home in the workplace.

Let's talk about it at a Discovery Chat.

Purple header text: Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. Bottom: purple, red, and blue overlapping ribbons with UMB logo: yellow, white, and red building and white text of University of Maryland.

Discovery Chats on open communication in the workplace

UMB employees are encouraged to be a catalyst for our Core Values of Respect and Integrity by promoting “open communication: Be honest and transparent with others, speak with sincerity and act with compassion, and learn and practice good listening skills.”

Lend your voice to this discussion. Join a Discovery Chat and decide for yourself whether open communication is really possible at work and explore how you can promote more open communication at UMB.

Use the links below to register for the remote events.

March 31: 10 a.m.-11 a.m., 1 p.m.-2 p.m. 

April 12: 10 a.m.-11 a.m., 1 p.m.-2 p.m.

May 25: 11 a.m.-12 p.m., 2 p.m.-3 p.m.

June 2: 11 a.m.-12 p.m., 2 p.m.-3 p.m.


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

April 25, 2023

Poetry for a Great 2023

We're kicking off 2023 with poetry that we hope inspires employees to use mediated conversations to help them improve their work environment. See all of the poems here and on display boards around campus.


The size of the situation

I know a situation

that’s bigger than me
and to make it smaller
I want something private
and free


Mediated conversations are private and free.


Thank you display board

It happened quickly,

thanks to this tv
that I saw a key
to more workplace harmony


Open the door to harmony with mediated conversations.


Collaboration prophecy

This year I forsee

mediated conversations, oui
will help us work
more collaboratively


Give yourselves the gift of a mediated conversation.



WMS offers mediation to all employees (faculty, staff, postdocs, and student employees) to address workplace issues. Contact WMS now to schedule a confidential conversation to learn more or initiate the mediation process. 

Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

January 2023

Realize the Benefits of Open Communication: Working towards Respect and Integrity

Join us for October 2022 Conflict Resolution Month Events

Purple header text: Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. Bottom: purple, red, and blue overlapping ribbons with UMB logo: yellow, white, and red building and white text of University of Maryland.


October is Conflict Resolution Month, and WMS will celebrate with several events. This year's theme is Realize the Benefits of Open Communication: Working towards Respect and Integrity. Mediation is about communication. And we were inspired by and excited that open communication has a supporting role in the Respect and Integrity Core Value.

Join us for our virtual and in-person events. If you need accommodations for any event, please email with requests at least two weeks prior to the event date.

Circle discussions about open communication

Oct. 7, 11 am-noon, virtual

Oct. 27, 11 am-noon, in-person

What is open communication? We'll explore it from each person’s perspective, including your perspective. Circle discussions allow for personal contributions and revelations. Together we will share and reflect on open communication in the workplace. If you’re in the room, you’re in the circle. Come for one circle or come for all. 

Power Dynamics Training

Oct. 13, 10 am-noon, in-person

This is a training event for WMS apprentices and roster members.

Conflict Yodas: Professionals Empowering Others to Free Themselves of Conflict

Oct. 18, 10:45 am-noon, virtual

We think it is possible for all professionals to be part of the conflict management process in a way that preserves their energy and time for what is important to them at work. The purpose of this workshop is to recognize the role of professionals in the conflict management process and share communication strategies to help others take responsibility for their situations. This workshop is part of the USM 2022 Professional Development Week - Empower Your Journey: Unleash Your Potential. 

Tabling at the University Farmers Market

Oct. 11 and other Tuesdays, starting at 10 am, in-person (dates will be posted in advance, registration is not required)

Look for us at the University Farmers Market. Stop by our table to chat and pick up some info.


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

December 6, 2022

Being Proactive with Conflict Resolution

2021 October Conflict Resolution Month Events

Purple header text: Workplace Mediation Service A part of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland. Bottom: purple, red, and blue overlapping ribbons with UMB logo: yellow, white, and red building and white text of University of Maryland.


October is Conflict Resolution Month, and WMS will celebrate with several events. All events are available virtually. If you need accommodations for any event, please email with requests at least two weeks prior to the event date. Registration is required.:

Oct. 7, 2021   (10:00 am-noon)    Learn More by Asking Better Questions- Would you rather be interrogated or understood? Questions are an effective way to better understand a situation. However, all questions are not equal. And mediators need to be aware of neutrality when it comes to asking questions. This is a training event for WMS apprentices and roster members.

Oct. 12, 2021  (2:30 pm-3:30 pm)    From Confused to Comfortable: A Panel Discussion about Workplace Mediation- This event focuses on everything anyone ever wanted to know about the UMB Workplace Mediation Service and how mediation works. Attendees will hear from mediation participants, Dr. Roger Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA, and a WMS apprentice mediator. 

Oct. 27, 2021  (11:30 am-12:15 pm)    Improving Email Communications Workshop-  Are emails causing conflict? Do you want to improve your email communications? Sometimes our emails are not received the same way as we intended. Join us for a workshop to practice analyzing how emails might be received and improving them before clicking send. 


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

September 20, 2022

UMB President's Newsletter article about the Workplace Mediation Service roster expansion

In December 2020, eleven UMB employees completed our 40+hours basic mediation training. The employees were selected from an application and interview process based on their interest and commitment to joining our mediator roster. The training was conducted remotely over five months using synchronous and asynchronous sessions, role plays, and recorded content. Learn more from the articles linked below.

Full January 2021 UMB President's Newsletter 

Article on The Elm


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

January 2021

Unlocking the Magic Behind Mediation

2020 Conflict Resolution Month Events Throughout October

Old books on wooden table. Light is spewing out of the open book.


You don’t need to be a mediator to use the techniques to have great conversations and address conflict. Join the UMB Workplace Mediation Service (WMS) this month to learn and practice mediator techniques. 

October is Conflict Resolution Month, and WMS will celebrate with several activities. Throughout the month, WMS will highlight mediator techniques that you can use at work, when teleworking or on campus, and approaches to addressing conflict.

All activities will be available virtually:

Oct. 7, 2020   (noon-1:00 pm)    Fun for WMS Mediators-in-Training

Oct. 21, 2020 (noon-1:00 pm)    Webinar: Tele-conflicting: Addressing Conflict from a Distance- Joint Telework Open Forum with HR's Organization & Employee Development 

Oct. 26, 2020  Videos of Mediator Techniques and Resources Check out short videos of Workplace Mediation Service mediators sharing mediation techniques for everyday situations and conversations. 

Oct. 28, 2020 (noon-1:00 pm)    Coworker Feud Game: A Communication Competition  No prior mediation experience is needed to enjoy and participate. Test your communication skills. Have fun practicing mediator techniques that you can use at work. Participate as a contestant or an audience member to enter to win a free one-hour conflict management training for your office. 


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

September 20, 2022

To address the increased conflict and stress and its impact on the work of UMB employees, WMS now provides mediation for an even broader range of conflicts that impact our work.

We know that stress and anxiety are high at this time. These conditions, combined with limited movement and being stuck with (or away from) others, only increases conflict. Mediation is an informal option to address issues in the early stages. Things that are appropriate for mediation include work-related conflicts about sharing space, noise, and duties with partners, roommates, neighbors, and others who are not UMB employees.

Can this expansion help you and your work? Contact us and we can talk about the situation and see if mediation or another University resource is appropriate. 

Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

May 13, 2020

Expanded Access to Mediation

WMS is excited to announce that we are accepting mediation requests directly from employees. We can now assist employees immediately when they contact WMS to request mediation. This direct route to mediation is in addition to our referral process. 

You may call or email us to request mediation or to discuss whether mediation is appropriate for your situation.  

Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

April 2020

Serving Employees Remotely

We are open for all employees during the episodic teleworking period. Since we can’t meet in person, WMS can now provide mediation in a remote environment through a variety of appropriate tools.

You may call or email us to request mediation or to discuss whether mediation is appropriate for your situation.  

Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

April 2020

We are recruiting UMB faculty and staff to serve as mediators

WMS mediators help employees address conflict collaboratively. Our current mediators are C-DRUM staff members in the Francis Carey School of Law. At this time a limited number of additional mediators are needed. Additional mediators are needed to build a mediator roster which better represents UMB, consistent with the University’s Core Value of Diversity. More mediators will also help WMS shorten the amount of time that it takes for employees to get to the mediation table.

Interested faculty and staff will complete an application and participate in a review and interview process. Selected individuals will receive mediation training and ongoing skills support from the Workplace Mediation Service.

Join our roster of mediators. Applications are due April 24, 2020 at noon. Information sessions will be held on 

  • Monday, March 23 from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
  • Tuesday, March 24 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
  • Thursday, April 2 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Thursday, April 16 frm 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Interested employees should review the information on the WMS website, attend an information session, and contact us with questions. 


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

March 2020

Event: Don't Let Conflict Scare You! Open House

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Francis King Carey School of Law
Center for Dispute Resolution, Suite 411
500 W. Baltimore St.

You are invited to an Open House hosted by the Office of the Ombuds and the Workplace Mediation Service.

It’s Conflict Resolution Month and almost Halloween. Join us for our Not-So-Spooky Open House.

Meet the staff of the Office of Ombuds and the Workplace Mediation Service and

  • Learn a few conflict de-escalation tricks — and leave with some treats. We’ve got conflict de-escalation techniques and activities to share.
  • Get your Launch Your Life punch card stamped. Bring your card or get one at the Open House, while quantities last. Attend a total of 9 Launch Your Life events and be entered into a grand prize drawing.
  • Enter to win a free one-hour conflict management training for your office.

Questions? Contact Aisha Samples at or Brian Godette at


Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

October 2019

UMB President's Newsletter article about the launch of the Workplace Mediation Service

Full October 2019 UMB President's Newsletter 

Article on The Elm

You may call or email us to request mediation or to discuss whether mediation is appropriate for your situation.  

Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

October 2019

Announcing the Workplace Mediation Service

The Workplace Mediation Service, which launched Sept. 3, is excited to provide mediation services to all UMB employees (staff, faculty, and student employees). UMB leadership decided to offer workplace mediation to complement the dispute resolution services that are available at UMB. The Workplace Mediation Service offers a voluntary and private mediation process to help employees address conflicts.

You may call or email us to request mediation or to discuss whether mediation is appropriate for your situation.  

Workplace Mediation Service
Aisha Samples, MS

Contact Form 

September 2019