Leadership Updates Archive

Supporting Our UMB Community: Safety, Building Access, and Core Values

March 07, 2025

Dear UMB Community:

Over the past month, many of you have reached out wondering how recent federal government policy changes could impact how we live, work, learn, and conduct research at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). In February, the Office of the Attorney General of Maryland issued Guidance for Colleges and Universities on Responding to Immigration Enforcement Requests, which contains useful information.

Also, if you are interested in learning more about immigration processes or the rights of individuals who might be the focus of federal immigration enforcement activities, you can find information on the attorney general office’s Know Your Rights webpage.Additionally, the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law’s Chacón Center for Immigrant Justice is working with student and community groups to share resources and referrals.  

At UMB, our core values are at the heart of all we do. With these values in mind, we want to reiterate the ways the University is ensuring the safety and well-being of our entire community.

Access to UMB Buildings

While some areas of campus are open to the public, most of our buildings have limited access, even when the doors are unlocked during operating hours.

UMB buildings have card readers, security officers, and/or visitor management systems to ensure that only authorized people can enter these secure areas. Visitors must have an appointment or authorized purpose (e.g., delivering a package) and must sign in with a University security officer before entering a UMB building.

You can do your part to keep our community safe by scanning your UMID when entering our buildings. Do not let others enter a secure building without scanning their UMID; if you see this occur, alert a UMB security officer. Make sure that external doors are closed behind you; do not leave doors propped open.

Access to UMB Information

UMB never discloses confidential information without legal authorization. Student records, employee personnel records, health information, and personally identifiable information are protected by state and federal laws.

If you receive a request for confidential information — including a Maryland Public Information Act request, subpoena, or other legal document — you must forward it to umbcounsel@umaryland.edu. The Office of University Counsel will evaluate and respond to the request or direct the requestor to the appropriate legal process.

Interactions with Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement

As part of its holistic approach to keeping our community safe, UMB Police and Public Safety routinely coordinates with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies on issues such as sharing crime data and trends. Other agencies have even attended our community outreach events, including National Night Out. These professional relationships help keep us informed and keep our community safe. That being said, UMB officers understand that the security of our community members is their top priority.

We have received no requests for information from immigration authorities and are not aware of any planned immigration enforcement actions at UMB. However, we write to inform you that in the extremely unlikely event that immigration enforcement officers come to campus, any requests they might make for information or building access would be governed by the same rules that apply to every other visitor. UMB security officers are trained on building access protocols, and employees responsible for confidential records and data have protocols to follow when requests for records or data are received.

If you observe outside law enforcement officers seeking to enter non-public parts of our buildings, please contact UMB Police and Public Safety at 410-706-6882 (available 24/7). Police and Public Safety and the University Counsel will coordinate as necessary to ensure our community’s safety and the protection of confidential data.

Embracing Our Core Values

Respect and Integrity. Well-Being and Sustainability. Equity and Justice. Innovation and Discovery.

These core values are at the heart of all we do. Navigating change can be difficult at times, but through our commitment to these values — and to the safety of our community — we can face this challenge together.


Roger J. Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA

Provost and Executive Vice President

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